Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:
AR-15 detailed lower build. Please utilize the following areas in this video to watch certain aspects of the build:
0:00 – Intro/Information
2:13 – Magazine Catch
4:21 – Trigger Guard
6:54 – Bolt Catch
9:20 – Pivot Pin
10:50 – Trigger Assembly
13:11 – Hammer Assembly
15:17 – Safety/Selector
15:52 – Pistol Grip
16:50 – Buffer Tube/Receiver Extension
21:21 – Buttstock
Build guide:
Tools used:
– Roll pin holders:
– Roll pin punches:
– Vise block:
– AeroShell 33MS grease:
Lower receiver from (tell them I sent you!):
Upper receiver from (tell them I sent you!):
Parts from:
I received inspiration from this build from Stickman’s photos. You can check him out here:
Follow me on Facebook! www.facebook.com/nsz85
The Arms Guide www.thearmsguide.com
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Thanks! This helped me do my first build.
Thank you, very well done and informative.
Added the PSA "I Stand" Lower and will be building it as soon as everything arrives.
I've watched all of these I can find and yours is one of the best so far.
It's definitely going to save me some head and heartache on my first build.
best vid ive seen on this , great job man .
wow great video,makes me wanna build my own gun now
Can anyone tell me how long a pistol size buffer the is? I'm going for the shortest build
Thank you using chopsticks, a bottle of NyQuil as a hammer and my thighs as a vice.
I see you've got the website for the tools in the drop down box but what about the pencil where'd you get that??
No grease of any kind on the buffer spring?
GREAT VID BUD!! Very much on track, and to the point!! You make it so that all of us can build!!
Excellent job on the video! One of the best videos for an AR lower build. High quality and very descriptive.
good vid, helped me build my first lower
where are you brother?? July 12, 2018 7:40 pm
Enjoyed watching this video sir.
Thank you for inviting us along on your build.
Don’t normally comment on videos, but this is a great tutorial. I was able to piece together my lower with practically no issues.
Woah dude how did you do that so smooth with the camera when you put on your butt stock? Lol very nice
You should copy over all of your videos to Gun Streamer and UGE before YouTube deletes them. Those networks have a feature where you can just enter your link and the files will be automatically copied over from YouTube. It would be a shame for this video to be lost because of YouTube censorship.
Thanks bro! You walked me through my first lower assembly!
Even till now I still use this video for my builds
I used this video for my first lower assembly years ago, and I used it today on two more builds, on Independence Day, less. Thank you.
Thank you for the video. I used it to complete my first lower build! You did a wonderful job of showing how everything goes together.
Used this as a reference 4x now as I put together new lowers. Thanks for the great video. Always have it on in the background as I do it. Just finished another one 10 mins ago!
Great video!
I build my ar15 exactly the way you did it
This video helped me a lot
I can't believe they have not taken this video down yet!
Will the gun function full auto if it doesn’t have a selector switch?
Hey man thanks for the video! I used it to put together a lower for the first time!
What keeps the safety switch in place? It looks like it would just fall out…
Solid video. Thanks.
This video is by far the best AR lower assemble out there. you can stop and go over any step using the "show more" drop down. Thank you sir !
Building my first 300 blk out pistol now…thanks for the video bro. U deserve an Oscar for this performance….thanks again…liked
Does it have to screw in all the way? If i do mine all the way the screw sticks out of button lol. I unscrewed it back to flush.
Bolt catch pin is a pain for me can't seem to get it flush and scared to give it a good smacking. My punch might not be great bought 1 on Amazon but the ends seem stripped from colliding with the pin.
My 1st polymer. Need help
Excellent video. Great angles. Thanks for the help!
Great video but you didn't stake the castle nut.
THANK YOU, great video, like the index subject marks for each 'subject'.
Thank for the video just did my first lower. Happy happy
Thanks for making this video building my first lower soon great video
Man thank you so much for these videos