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Tag: survival kit

65 Innovative Survival , Camping Gear You Didn't Know Existed On...

65 Innovative Survival , Camping Gear You Didn't Know Existed On Amazon Calling all outdoor enthusiasts! šŸŒ² Ready to discover the coolest new Camping Gear...

Streamlight ProTac 2 AAA: Perfect EDC and SHTF Flashlight

This is a review of the Streamlight ProTac 2 AAA. It has quickly become my favorite flashlight as it is so light and versatile....

Essential Tools for AR15 Repair & Maintenance

#shtf #defense #AR During SHTF, I expect most people who have prepared will have AR15 firearms for defense. Knowing how to properly maintenance and repair...

Fire/Survival Kit in Fixed-Rifle Stock

Just a little something I do, I little fire kit in the fixed butt stock of my rifle. In case Iā€™m separated from my...

Prepper Survival Gear: CMMG 762Ɨ39 Mutant

In this Short Denny shows off the CMMG Mutant chambered in 762x39 with the DIvision 3 Weapons 30 caliber brake. #survival #prepper #gun =============================== PRODUCTS FEATURED IN...

The Ultimate EDC Backpack Gun: Double Folding AR15

In this video, Rocco from Division 3 Weapons, evaluates the Fold AR double folding AR 15 chambered in 556. Rocco is a master gunsmith...

Streamlight Pro-Tac Headlamp

In a wilderness survival situation, primitive skills, bushcraft, and wilderness living skills can save your life. In this video we focus on primitive technology,...

CMMG .22 LR Conversion Kit ā€“ Perfect for Training!

New gear alert! Chris shows a great way to convert your AR 5.56/2.23 to .22lr giving you a great way to continuing training without...