Tag: stag
Bushmaster CMMG .22 Conversion kit for the .223/556 AR 15 accuracy...
I did this test just on a whim because I was testing a couple project guns and happen to have the IKAM camera glasses...
AR-15 – BADASS Upgrade – Battle Arms Development Ambi Safety Selector
Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:
This is such a SIMPLE upgrade...
Nikon Monarch UCC 3-9×40 BDC Review/Unboxing
Hi in this video I unbox and review a Nikon Monarch UCC 3-9x40 scope. This scope has been warrantied since. Optics planet was very...
AR-15 with scope cam 375 yards
Just playing around with a new camera mount. Rifle is a Stag 24" bull barrel Ar-15 chambered in .223 Scope is...
Tan EOTech 512 & Flat Dark Earth Magpul RVG for Stag...
Here are my latest purchases. I picked up an EOTech 512 in Tan and I also bought the Magpul RVG. I chose...
AR-15 Unboxing Review *Windham Arms*
This is an unboxing and small review of the Windham Arms AR-15. Many are saying this gun is the best AR-15 for the price....
AR 15 Lower Buyers Guide
to see more!!!
This is a video hopefully helping some people pick out a new lower for their...
The “BEST” LOWER PARTS KIT (Red Barn Armory) + Battle Arms,...
The BEST "Lower Parts Kit" available on the market is only at (RED BARN ARMORY). RBA lets you build your LPK! "SAVE MONEY" Why...