Tag: police officer
When the 'Epitome of Evil' Has an AR-15
Why I Chose EOTECH For My Patrol Rifle
Be sure to follow @officertwentynine on Instagram
More in depth explanation on why I chose EOTECH for my patrol rifle.
Video on my patrol rifle...
MY FIRST AR-15 BUILD | BLM SPECIAL | Unboxing Surprise!
For years, I was just a die-hard Glock type of Guy. Well that recently change when I laid my hands on some good ole...
Body Cam: Phoenix Man Shoots with AR-15 in The Air
#officerinvolvedshooting #Phoenixbodycam #PhoenixPoliceDepartment
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The Phoenix Police Department is releasing the first Critical Incident Briefing from an officer involved shooting that happened on August...
Brite-Strike QUICK CAM ROTO-LOC Flashlight Holster REVIEW
This is a review of the Quick Cam Roto-Loc flashlight holster made by Brite-Strike Technologies.
I have used this holster for two years and...