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BulletBender56) BushMaster XM15-E2S (AR-15) Review

Thoughts on the BushMaster XM15-E2S:Love the Feel Of The ''Ergonomics'' On This is a Weapon and it can be Used on Any Person...

How To Clean Your AR-15 – OpticsPlanet How To

Find out more information on how to clean your AR-15 at OpticsPlanet.com: In this video tutorial OpticsPlanet's Chase Bending shows you how to field strip,...

Nikon 10×42 ProStaff 3S Binoculars

5O% 0ff Nikon on Amzn (applied at checkout) : Extremely happy with these Nikon 10x42 ProStaff 3S Binoculars! Took them on a month-long trip...

FAKE: Trijiicon ACOG 4×32 testing an review

so heres a pretty neat one the 4x32 acog (fake Trijicon) from China through ebay so far its been reliable, ive probably put 300 22lr...

Nikon Binoculars -Monarch 3 & Monarch 5 – New from Nikon...

Jon LaCorte joins Steve Ledin to discuss the recently released Monarch 3 and Monarch 5 binoculars from Nikon. Available now from OpticsPlanet.com! Monarch 5: Monarch 3: Be sure...

Streamlight ProTac HL LED Flashlight – OpticsPlanet.com

Get your Streamlight ProTac HL Flashlight at OpticsPlanet.com NOW! The Streamlight ProTac HL is the brightest new addition to the Streamlight ProTac series of flashlights....

Nikon Monarch ATB Binoculars – OpticsPlanet.com Product in Focus

The Nikon ATB (All Terrain Binoculars) Monarch binoculars are a fantastic value for your money. All Nikon Monarch ATB high reflective prism binoculars are...

Nikon Monarch 3 Series Binocular – OpticsPlanet.com Product in Focus

OpticsPlanet introduces the new Nikon Monarch 3 Series Binocular! This brand new product from Nikon is perfect for any hunter, backpacker, or birdwatcher looking...

OpticsPlanet AR Pistol Build: 1,800 Round UPDATE

OpticsPlanet AR Pistol Build: 1,800 Round UPDATE Lower Build Video Pt1: Lower Build Video Pt 2: Lower Build Video Pt 3: Upper Build Video: OpticsPlanet...