Tag: mega
Halo Infinte Mega Elephant Build & Tekken 8 CE unboxing –...
It's another MegaBloks build! We also have the Tekken 8 CE coming in late this week to unbox, and we can talk about...
AR-15 – Staking Your Castle Nut Properly
Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:
In this quick video, I show...
AR 15 Lower Build – Part 1
Identify the parts included with an AR15 Lower Parts Kit (LPK). Getting started with your AR lower build. If this is your...
AR-15 Build: AR-15 Parts Kit
I'm going to build and AR-15 m4 profile, a.k.a. M4gery, lol, and here's what I got, a Mega Stripped Lower: $119, AR-150 (don't know...
.308 MEGA Maten – Lower Receiver Build – AR-10
Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:
This video shows how to build...
AR-15 – BADASS Upgrade – Battle Arms Development Ambi Safety Selector
Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:
This is such a SIMPLE upgrade...
Building a Precision AR 15 SPR – Episode #1 Parts &...
The most key component is the barrel. Get it on Brownells here -
Nikon coolpix P900 83x optical zoom world record – video test...
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Before You Buy-Build A M4 or AR-15 Know Your Facts PART...
This is PART II of my original video. Found here: I wanted to make an addendum to some of the...