Tag: maintenance
AR-15 Cleaning
This video is a demonstation of how I clean and maintain my AR15 platform firearms. I've owned, fired, and maintained at least one...
What's in your range bag?
Mike takes a quick look in his range bag and offers suggestions for things to have with you at the range.
What's in your range...
AR's For Dummies A Basic Understanding of the Platform
This is a semi comprehensive look at the AR Platform and how it works, what the parts...
How to Strip, Clean and Reassemble an AR-15 | Modern Defensive...
Proper cleaning and maintenance is a critical part of owning any firearm. Chris Fry with Modern Defensive Training Systems demonstrates how to strip, clean...
How To Clean Your AR-15 – OpticsPlanet How To
Find out more information on how to clean your AR-15 at OpticsPlanet.com:
In this video tutorial OpticsPlanet's Chase Bending shows you how to field strip,...
Work Light Showdown: Streamlight Stinger Switchblade vs Braun (HF) – my...
Hey everyone. I was doing a little work in the shop today and decided to do a quick side by side comparison of my...
How To Clean Your AR-15 | Cleaning and Maintenance Tips
Ricky Lehnhardt of OTIS Technology demonstrates the basics of cleaning and maintaining your AR-15.
For more cleaning tips and supplies visit
With your help, we...
Gunsmith's Maintenance Center by MTM Case-Gard
The Gunsmith's Maintenance Center by MTM Case-Gard™ is one of the best values on the market. Two removable forks with molded in rubber for...
AR-15 Disassembly, Cleaning, and Lubrication "How To" Guide
Custom AR-15 parts are listed below the cleaning products.
Cleaning products used in this video:
Brass cleaning rod
Cleaning Patches
Brass Patch Holder
Weapon light cleaning – hk vp9 – tlr 1
Experiment on getting the gunshot residue off my weapon light.