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Tag: Kalashnikov

EOTech EXPS3-2 Night Vision

Today we look at the EOTech EXPS3-2 with the G33 magnifier and how well this optic works with Night Vision Goggles (NVGs). ↓ ↓ ↓...

SHOT Show 2011 – Bushmaster Carbon 15 SuperLight Carbine

- Gunsmithing Library with 21,583 Printable Gun Manuals, Schematics, Blueprints & Antique Gun Catalogs + Searchable Guns & Ammo Reference Guide +...

AK 47 Russian Kalashnikov And _40_magzine unboxing

#Ak47 #40magunboxing #kalashnikov bullets #7.62×39mm soviet surplus unboxing #russian krenkove gun #uncrating cabela russian 7.62×39mm ammo #unboxing 7.62mm pulled bullet #russian bullet #russian ak47 cartridges #russia 7.62×39 ammunition #krenkove gun firing in pakistan #kalakove...

All NEW CMMG Mk47 DISSENT – A Closer Look!

In this video, we take a closer look at the all new Mk47 DISSENT. The Mk47 was released in late 2014 and quickly became...


Sta nascendo una nuova disciplina di tiro e non posso perdermela! Questo è il primo episodio della preparazione alla gara VISITA IL MERCH STORE --- IG...

JMAC Customs 360 X37 HD-HUB Install on Kalashnikov USA KP9

Unboxing and installing the JMAC Customs 360 1/2 x 28 X37 HD–HUB muzzle device on a Kalashnikov USA KP9. The JMAC customs X-37 muzzle...

AR15 Underwater Gun Malfunction

AR15 Underwater Gun Malfunction Ditch the hipsterbucks and get your Black Rifle Coffee here: My shirt from this video is from: Facebook: Instagram: Click here for my...

AK "Alpha Trainer" to 500 yds: Practical Accuracy [EO Tech EXPS...

Watch latest videos, sometimes even early releases! Sign up for the newsletter : The Russian Special Operations or Spetsnaz AK 102 / 105 has...

PCC Showdown: H&K SP-5 vs Kalashnikov USA KP-9 vs CMMG Banshee

Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! Since SHOT Show this year, I have gotten three different 9mm carbines that are all interesting in their own ways....

Armslist: CMMG Mk47, Better than a Kalashnikov?

Rob effectively uses the MK47 out to 300 yards. Can you do the same thing with a Kalashnikov? Tax Day Giveaway: Subscribe: Like us...