Home CMMG Armslist: CMMG Mk47, Better than a Kalashnikov?

Armslist: CMMG Mk47, Better than a Kalashnikov?


Rob effectively uses the MK47 out to 300 yards. Can you do the same thing with a Kalashnikov?
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  1. People complain price 1800 no yeah i I got the T-Model which is basically the basic model I got mine for 13 hundred a pistol grip a stock and a trigger group didn't really make that much difference to me I like the trigger on it so no complaints but if people are going to actually compare price yeah I'm going to pay 13 over a Daniel Defense AR because it packs of 762 punch and because of the way they design the rifle the AK doesn't have a bolt lock if mine's is going to function with that type of round magazine it's probably smart to eliminate that therefore increasing reliability although to the eye seems that that would be an issue and it's not

  2. Love my Mk47. Got it with the Giessle trigger system and put a cheap reflex sight (Sight Mark). The cheap sight is due to an empty wallet after purchasing the rifle! Anyway, i got 5" groups at 100 yards. I'm not a trained marksman, so I think that is great ++. I also credit the Giessle trigger system for my performance. Really, I am not that good and it has to be the rifle!

    Problem I found is that it won't cycle some brands of bullets. PMC Bronze was the worst. Well, my reloads were really unusable so they were worse still. I think that this may be similar to the Desert Eagle .44 magnum which is finicky due to it's massive slide and requires military grade ammo: that is, the bolt on the Mk47 is so big that you better have good ammo or it won't eject the spent brass and chamber a new round properly. Mine likes Winchester and TulAmmo the best.

    Also, I got a ProMag magazine that said it was for the AK-47. It wouldn't fit. Look at the ledge on the magazine that is supposed to catch the pin on the rifle – it doesn't even look like the one on the PMAG that came with my rifle. Had to take it back.

  3. It looks good but the price is kind of high.  Realistically I could buy two good 5.56 ARs for the price of one Mutant.  To me the 7.62 x 39 round isn't so awesome as to pay Daniel Defense level prices to have an AR chambered for the round.

  4. Colt made an ar15 in 762×39, 9mm and 5.56. They were called the sporter lightweight. They had a 16 inch barrel and a fixed stock. They were the std government barrels. They made very nice little rifles. They didn't make them very long though. They were a little less the std rifles and carbines. Actually they were just the carbine rifle with a fixed stock.

  5. Finally!  Someone with doing an accuracy review!  Thank you very much.  Planning on hitting an arms show this weekend and if I find one for sale at a reasonable price I'm picking it up.  Just need to figure out what sight to get for it.

  6. Lets see, a $700 gun vs a $1400 gun…very fair.
    Now, lets race my Porsche with your Ford Pinto.
    AKs are not meant for long range (though, they can be), they are for tearing shit up…up close. I don't think the soviets were thinking-Everyone can be a sniper, when they handed out the AK. I think it was more of a Point and shoot, type thing. I am not knocking the gun (very nice, Want one) or the review (very good) I am just saying, the comparison is like a Glock and A Hi-Point. Now compare the MK47 with a .50 BMG, for long range.

  7. Question and 2 comments:

    Q: Are these DI or piston driven uppers, and if so, long or short stroke?

    C1: I wouldn't expect to see you match a DI gun accuracy-wise with a long stroke gas piston rifle due to all the inertial forces at play inside the latter system. Long-stroke is immanently reliable, but at the expense of precision accuracy, which is fine by me…not complaining at all, just a fact if physics. That said, there's enough practical accuracy in the long-stroke design to accomplish the task at hand within reasonable distances (200-300 meters).

    C2: J&G Sales has the rock solid Yugo M70 AK's with fixed polymer stock and RPK 1.5mm receiver for around $575 + shipping…probably the best AK for the money on the market today.

    Thanks as always for a great video.

  8. Rob…get an RS regulate mount for the ak accuracy test. There's simply no better option if you want to mount an optic other than a red dot on an ak. And you spoke of triggers I'd say get a Tapco g2 for your accuracy test….I wouldn't recommend a g2 for a serious rifle because they are prone to problems after a few thousand rounds and will start to run away on you…but for a couple mags to test accuracy a g2 will do you justice and it's a very sweet trigger pull. You'll be pleasantly surprised…but definitely rs regulate to mount your trijicon 20 power(overkill at 300 yards) but to each his own haha. Spoiler alert…the ak will shoot just as well if not better than the mk47.

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