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$450 – .300 Blackout AR-15 Build & Pistol Setup – The...

***Support*** - Donations: paypal.me/FocusTripp (I need more bullets) - eBay Store: - MERCH: - ...

Fedarm FR-15 Unboxing: Highest Value/Cheapest AR-15 $475!!!(2016)

Youtube: Instagram: Facebook: TURN ANNOTATIONS ON Firearm Specs from Barrel to Butt-stock: 1x9 twist .223 Wylde Chambering M4 Profile 4150 Chrome Lined A2 "enhanced" birdcage muzzle device Low...

Diamondback 10" AR15 Pistol: The DB15 500 Round Stress Test!

Youtube: Instagram: Facebook: facebook.com/mpk1414 Fedarm: The Tac Shack: DB America: Head Down Arms: Clinger Holsters: Lone Wolf: Black Bullets International: This is the fastest we...

Tacticool Unboxing: Ar15 Parts, Chocolate Bullets and a New Sponsor!

Youtube: Instagram: Fedarm: AIM: Facebook: TURN ANNOTATIONS ON Excited to try the new polytech .223 bullets with the new AIM surplus bolt carrier groups!

Let's Set an AR-15 Pistol on Fire! – GLS VLOG #3

Here's a little teaser video showcasing the behind the scenes look at my time on the range with Tactical Armament. I'll be releasing 3...

Which Pistol Loader Works Best? Maglula vs Caldwell vs ETS

Youtube: Instagram: Fedarm: The Tac Shack: DB America: All these products can be found on midwayusa.com, amazon or ebay with little effort: Caldwell Mag Charger...

Tactical Short: CMMG 22 lr AR15 Conversion (Fedarm FR15)

Youtube: Instagram: Facebook: TURN ANNOTATIONS ON

Shotgun Trick Shots | Dude Perfect

It's trick-shot-gun shootin' time! Click HERE to subscribe to the Gould Brothers! Click HERE to subscribe to Dude Perfect! Play our NEW iPhone game! ► PLAY...

New for 2018: The CMMG Banshee

With all the cool ARs that CMMG is releasing this has to be one of my favorites. Personally my CMMG Pistol build is my...

CMMG Build Part 2 – If You Flip the Brace it...

I was not paid to talk about the Pro For Sho ear muffs. I am just some who loves earpro Parts list: CMMG Upper and Lower...