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Tag: disassembly

Should You Buy A Bushmaster ACR? – Review

Should you buy a Bushmaster ACR? Hopefully this review over my person rifle can help you come up with your answer. In short, this...

Basic AR-15 Bolt Disassembly/Assembly

Complete AR15 Owners Guide: Basic information regarding take down, lube, and assembly of the AR-15 bolt carrier group. If you can't find what you're looking...

Draco AK Pistol + AKARS + Eotech Red Dot: Gun...

At the Shooting Range with Romanian Cugir Draco -c AK-47 Pistol in 7.62x39. Using an EoTech XPS2-0 Red Dot Sight ( which is...

Реплика EOTech EXPS3 (558) + разборка

Обзор реплики коллиматорного прицела EOTech EXPS3-2 (у китайцев идет как модель 558) и неполная разборка. Заказан на алиэкспресс. !!! Возврат до 15% стоимости заказов на...

Colt M4 .22LR UMAREX Bolt Dis-assembly

Dis-assembly of the bolt. Battery ran out so lost the beginning of the video where the pin is removed. This is a follow...

How to install AR-15 CMMG .22lr Conversion Kit

CMMG .22lr semi-automatic conversion kit with CMMG full body 26rd .22lr magazine. This exceptional kit is a drop in replacement for your standard AR15...

Colt M4 .22LR full disassembly 1 of 4

How to dis-assemble beyond field strip of upper receiver and bolt carrier for cleaning for the Colt M4 carbine .22LR. Also the lower...

Tipton Polymer Gun Cleaning Picks

Looking at the gun cleaning picks.

Build Your AR-15 Upper Receiver! Part 2!

Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this video I show you...

How To Build / Assemble an AR-15 (PART 1): Lower Parts...

Visit the official TBP online store to shop for products featured in our videos, including tactical gear, hunting / survival gear, outdoor / camping...