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JP Silent Captured Spring v A5 Vltor Softest Flattest Recoil 9mm...

My review of the @ChestersHobbies flattest shooting 9mm PCC/large-format braced pistol suppressed build using a Vltor A5 length buffer tube (I used a Forward...

Product Focus: AR-15/AR-10 Silent Captured Springs

The Silent Captured Spring is one of the most revolutionary and popular products we've ever offered. Any part this popular is bound to...

AR-15/AR-10 Silent Captured Springs

This thing is pretty awesome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Silent Captured Springs jp,enterprises,#teamjprifles,#jprifles,#jpheritage,silent capture spring,scs,ar-15,ar-10,ar platform,ar upgrades,.223 wylde,.308,.223 win,.308 win,.556 nato,6.5 creedmoor,6.5 creed,6mm creedmoor,6 creed,.224 valkyrie,competition,war against recoil,quality,buffer,national rifle league,precision...

AR Upgrades: Getting Your Parts to Get Along

The AR platform may be Barbie for men, but just like outfits, not everything goes together. This month, we tackle an issue that comes...

Amazing Footage Captured By Nikon Coolpix P1000

P1000 Nikon is a superzoom camera that can reach up to a staggering of 3,000 millimeter zoom. It is an incredible gadget...

Ultimate AR15 Pistol Build – Ferox – Part 1/Lower Reciever

Check out the new StarDude Outdoors Merch! Huge shoutout to Gunfighter Tactical, the best gun store in Southern California! Check them out www.gunfightertactical.com Full Build Parts...