Tag: bad
NRA-ILA | Another Good Guy with a Gun Stops the Bad...
On July 19, 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken was shopping with his girlfriend at the Greenwood Park...
Magpul BAD Lever vs Ambi AR-15 Lower Receiver
Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you're looking...
Discussing the EOTech EFLX Mini Reflex – The GOOD, the BAD...
Today we discuss the upcoming EOTech EFLX mini reflex sight. This is a first for EOTech, releasing an optic that is specifically designed...
NRA-ILA | Vermont: Bad Gun Bill Could Become Worse in...
Things are bad enough in Vermont that the Legislature had to resort to meeting virtually...
Best Cheap AK Trigger from Battle Arms Development + New PDW...
In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves is at Red Oktober 2021. Today he's speaking with the guys from Battle Arms Development about their...
Florida Alert! PART 2 – 2021 Legislative Session Wrap-Up – 25...
No summary available
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Braces BAD! Yep, ATF going after braces again…
Comments are open now!
To the point, here are the links:
ATF Proposed Rule
Characteristics Worksheet
We all need to band together and stop this!
Is it worth building your own ar 15? My first ar...
Is it worth building your own ar 15? Building your own ar 15 is definitely worth it. However, Building your first ar 15 can...
AR15 Receiver Slop/Wobble? Is it bad and how to fix it!
The NEW AR-15 Complete Owner's Guide:
Griffin Armament Oversized Takedown Pins
Build List Below:
Primary Arms, LLC/Trijicon TA31 ACSS ACOG (green)
Bobro Engineering QD TA31 Mount
Trijicon, Inc....
Wish’s Infamous EOTECH Replica!! How GOOD is it?!?
Buy the Magnifier below!
Check out my new store! Live with Inventory!!
I picked this Replica EOTech HHS II system from wish.com for just over 130!!...