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CMMG BR47 Review

Howdy everyone, today we will be reviewing the CMMG BR47! Would you like to donate to see your favorite upper melted? Use these links...

SHOCKED! – Unboxing / First Look: TEMU EOTECH Clone…WOW – Red...

Doing this video caught me completely off guard and quite frankly shocked me to be honest. I found this product by accident while...

CMMG Dissent 12.5” Review

Hey guys, today we will be reviewing the CMMG Dissent MK47 12.5”! Check it out at: Thanks for Viewing! Like and Subscribe For More Gun,...

CMMG MK47 Resolute Review

Hey guys, today we will be reviewing the CMMG Resolute MK47! Thanks for Viewing! Like and Subscribe For More Gun, Knife and Light Reviews! God...

OPMOD Exclusive Eotech EXPS3-4

Howdy everyone, today we will be reviewing the OPMOD Exclusive EOTech EXPS3-4! Thank you to optics planet for the ammunition and the optic! ...

EOTECH G43 or G33: Which one to buy? (especially if...

The short answer is...it depends. When I picked up my G45, it had the same footprint as a G33, so my only change was...

AR-15 Pistol Torture Test – Tactical Armament

After the general review we did on Tactical Armament's AR-15 pistol, I wanted to run it through a real-world based stress test. I wanted...

"New" EOTECH G45 5x Magnifier Redemption @ the Range: Clarity...

Happy New Year and welcome 2022! First video of 2022. Thought it a bit ironic to begin 2022 with my EOTECH G45 5x magnifier....

Final Thoughts/Follow Up: EOTECH G45 5x Magnifier (no wind or...

Wasn't planning on making this video, but decided that due to the noises and wind at the range (not to mention trying to talk...