Armed Scholar
California Bans Home Built AR-15 Rifles And 3D Printed Firearms!!!
In this video I discuss a new bill introduced in California which aims to ban home building and 3D printing in the state.
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New AR-15 Rifle Destroys The California Assault Weapon Ban!!!
In this video I cover the juggernaut tactical F-15 rifle that will soon release and the companies response on why the believe the rifle...
California Assault Weapon Ban Destroyed By New AR-15!!!
In this video I discuss a new rifle by juggernaut tactical which if legal will undue a big aspect of CA's assault weapon ban....
New AR-15 Destroys The California Assault Weapon Ban!!!
In this video I discuss a new rifle by juggernaut tactical which if legal will undue a big aspect of CA's assault weapon...
Appeals Court Reviewing New York AR 15 Confiscation!!! "Other" Firearm Update!
In this video I give an update on the Suffolk County New York case and issue involving "other" firearms and the county treating their...