In this video, Shayna talks all about straight-walled cartridges. Why you may use them and what the benefits of using 350 legend or 450 Bushmaster are.
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Brown sugar
450 is a deer killer my BCA upper is great!
Give me the 350 all day and this young lady rocks!
I still prefer the .50 B…….erm…..12.7×42, dont want to get sued lol
Does either weapon come in left-side extraction for lefties.
I could watch her all day long talk about guns.
Great information delivered clearly and intelligently by a beautiful lady. It shows you don't need to be kitted up in tactical gear to operate an AR platform firearm
450 Bushmaster is way better. Hunter with both. I’d rather have a 450 Bushmaster 100% of the time!
She’s beautiful and knows her stuff. Well explained
I enjoyed the info of the .350 Legend vs the .450 BM….but several websites keep pointing out about the hefty recoil of the .450 BM when in fact the 450 recoil is less than a 12 gauge, 2 3/4 deer slug and most everyone has felt that recoil, so why do they keep saying the 450 BM has heavy recoil?? When I use a 12 ga for deer I use the 3 inch magnum deer slug load and I never considered that to have "hefty" recoil. I just purchased a Ruger American in .450 BM, and looking forward to taking it to the range.
Great calibers but the restrictions are ridiculous and so un-american.. we love you BCA!
I have both uppers from BCA. A pretty girl might not have made a difference in my purchase decision 3 years ago. Nice video information, no fluff.
I didn’t learn anything from the video because all I could do is stare at the extremely attractive lady handling these guns like a boss

Plz make model legal in Canada if you agree

I love BCA and I love the commentator. She speaks like she knows about guns and shoots them well, especially these bigger bores. Keep up the great videos.
Okay BCA you've got my attention!

Im not sure. But i do know that the Winchester white box on the range outperform my Mosin, m1 carbine and m14 on citrolonus melonus
And that is the 350 legend from the Ruger American
Watching a hot woman fire a thumper…I could watch this all day lol

I'm still missing half of my front tooth because of your 450bm…. i just got it back from getting it fixed (again)…. took it out an it was actually cycling 2-3 rds.. I was kinda excited then all of a sudden it felt like I got punched in the face… I had no idea what just happened …. but after I got my bearings straight I realized the charging handle was cycling with the BCG! An the last time I must've had my head a little closer than b4 an bam! Half of my tooth is gone an blood is everywhere! An I tried getting ahold of you to return the POS…. but BCA ghosted me!!! Never would return emails or calls! I'm surprised you are still in business..
Good to see a sister handle things.
Wish they would make the 400 legend
350 is definitely on my list!
More videos
I like the video and bear creek arsenal. The 350 legend is interesting to me. The young lady with the nose piercing makes me wonder how she could do that to herself.
I love my BCA 350 legend. Has been great no issues so far.
Can you guys please make a 12 gauge ar10 upper like genesis arms at an affordable price!!!
Buy both of them