New for 2025 EOTech has added an ultra compact 3-9 scope to their Vudu lineup and @Hoplopfheil stopped by to check it out, and get height mogged by John from EOTech. The new super short variable will be offered with or without a piggyback EFLX red dot, and may have a variety of reticle options in the future.
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did u lose a bet and have to sdhave half of your eyebrows?
This in ffp would be awesome sauce
$1,059? Theres a lot to choose from at that price point. Scope value $400, name value $659. Does it come with cool stickers too?
Honestly i just wish the industry would start making more scopes with integrated bases like this leveling scopes should be a thing of the past
Boo.. mil please
Cool if it wasn’t 1k
Good General Purpose Rifle optic. Center dot looks huge though
…meh, maybe for my tippman m4-22
I think LVPO ate going away people are starting to see the benefit of being able to move the zoom out of the way
This looks like the only optic that would cause me to buy something other than primary arms. Looks fantastic and isn't an unreasonable price
I fkn can’t with hops eyebrows hahaha
I want ffp, milrad, 2.5-10 or 3-12 x 40 please
This thing is turbo rad, probably one of the most revolutionary optics of the show.
Too bad it looks like an Amazon special $27.99 "Pinty" scope
The part I think a lot of people are missing is that optical quality pays dividends well above the stated magnification range. While plenty of 1-10x scopes have come out by now, outside of the highest end optics, those are generally going to suffer from light transmission and clarity issues. A 3-9x is only a 3x zoom ratio. At 9x, so long as EOTech is building these right, you're likely going to have an easier time seeing and engaging than with most comparably priced 10x or even 12x top end magnification scopes with a higher zoom ratio.
FFP or just run a red dot
It looks like Chinese junk
The red dot on top is really nice, but we gotta do something about the required chin weld.
I want the Eotech Chode!
That thing ffp with a good cross hair… If they can find a stronger way to connect the red dot mount. Always feel like a diving board is not optimal.
Trijicon needs to be innovation in this space. Forget the 1 power start at 2 or 3 push up to 14 if you can. forged housing with integrated dot mount. Good ffp reticle options, mil and moa BDC.
We need a fixed 10x!
That's expensive
Reticle is Meh, but the fact that it has an integrated mount is huge.
Thank you.
Cant wait to try this….. In Delta Force xD
Looking forward to more acog mount compatible scopes.
Vudu compact on B&T APC300SD
Clicked on this because I could see Hop’s hair in the thumbnail
FFP and RMR mount are good news. This thing is radical enough that it will either be amazing or a flop. I appreciate Eotech is willing to take risks.
Great, now wheres the one that people actually care about, an FFP LPVO that size with 1x – ? magnification? Saying its coming means literally nothing. lol
how much?
You should see the other guy.
I like this concept. I think something like a 2-6×36'ish would be super awesome. Bigger FOV and better eye relief than a 3-9x but still some
Magnification in an ACOG footprint.
my first want of shot show
Love this innovation this is what we want from MFG.
3-9 2nd focal plane in moa… Huh?
I'm a fan of the compact packaging and integrated base, but not the reticle. It looks way too thick. I'll be waiting to see what else they do.
SFP kinda kills this. Anything more than 6x should be FFP. It's a super cool idea and could be a nice replacement for any setup that currently has an ACOG, but as is, I don't see much use outside point blank range hunting.
It's cool, but that reticle is pain. I might come back to look at it when they add other options
I don’t trust people that talk out of The side of their mouth. Makes it seem like they can’t address you directly with their lies.
My compact 3×9 leupold have eyereif and focal probs tgat my reg leupolds dont what is the eye reiloef