Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | Florida: Vote “YES” on Amendment 2 – Protect the Right...

NRA-ILA | Florida: Vote “YES” on Amendment 2 – Protect the Right to Fish & Hunt


The upcoming 2024 General Election puts forth a proposal to Florida voters on the ballot to amend the State Constitution to affirm and protect Floridians’ Right to Fish and Hunt. Amendment 2 states:



RIGHT TO FISH AND HUNT. — Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to preserve forever fishing and hunting, including by the use of traditional methods, as a public right and preferred means of responsibly managing and controlling fish and wildlife. Specifies that the amendment does not limit the authority granted to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission under Section 9 of Article IV of the State Constitution.

Hunting, fishing, and harvesting wildlife are cherished American traditions and, when paired with science, are an integral part of wildlife management and conservation. Unfortunately, misguided extremists have been trying for decades to incrementally, or outright, ban hunting, fishing, and harvesting wildlife. This amendment guarantees the sporting traditions that you have enjoyed will still be around for future generations of Americans and that regulations will be based on sound science. Currently, 23 other states have similar provisions in their constitutions.

In addition to fees collected from sales of licenses and tags, excise taxes paid by Florida sportsmen and women on firearms, ammunition, and archery equipment fund important conservation efforts. These conservation efforts include acquiring and improving wildlife habitat, wildlife species introduction, wildlife research, public access programs, shooting ranges, and hunter education programs. In 2024 alone, Florida received $18,181,663 of Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Funds.

For more information on voting, click here. If you haven’t already cast your ballot, make sure you get to the polls on or before November 5th to vote “YES” on Amendment 2. Please encourage your family, friends, and fellow sportsmen and women to do the same.

Paid political advertisement paid for by National Rifle Association of America Institute for Legislative Action, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 independently of any candidate or committee.

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