Home EOTech Haley Strategic Partners 22422 Drill Of The Month

Haley Strategic Partners 22422 Drill Of The Month


Good practice and training are the keys to improvement. If you want to be a better shooter, you have to put in the work. The 22422 drill from @HaleyStrategicPartners is a great skill builder. To run the drill you need 3 targets 1 yard apart with the shooter 10 or more yards from the target line. On the buzzer, you engage from the outside target of your choice, left or right. The course of fire, starting with the left target as an example would be, 2 rounds left target, 2 rounds center target, 4 rounds right target, 2 rounds center target, and 2 rounds left target. You can set your own time and accuracy standards based on your skill, weapons system, and distance. Good luck.
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