Home Nikon Do Not Buy a Night Vision Scope

Do Not Buy a Night Vision Scope


Do Not Buy a Night Vision Scope… Why? The future is now and clip-ons are the answer. In this video we go over why not to buy a night vision scope and the benefits of using a clip-on device over a dedicated night vision scope.

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  1. clip ons are just a gauky waste of waste… for the ranges/targets the majority of people will be night shooting at (coyotes, wild hogs, etc.), just go with a digital day/night optic

  2. This guy is talking out his ass
    A scope behind a NV clip on does nothing but look at an led screen ..

    You don't need it..
    Units like the pard already have its own reticle ..
    You are limited to the NV device out front for magnification…

    So just get a dedicated NV device to start with .

    The optic does jack shit but add bulk.

    Most stand alone NV device today have daytime pictures as good as glass ..

    Ketchup mustard..😅
    You're lagging

  3. Add extra weight and added to the end of the rifle. That's not going to be comfortable. I get your points, but you left out a lot of pros for full thermal scopes. That thing looks like it was made in Russia…

  4. Well now there is a great scope that is digital which is used day or night much lighter to carry, one shot zero in. Amazon carries all you want. very nice one piece with quick release mounts

  5. %100! Amen and preach. Now that ima changed man in the way of thinkin I've got the bigger problom of which optic to clip the clip on..🤔… Leopold? Trijicon!!?, hmm vortex? I'll jus get all 3. Hell at these prices I might as well yall sell em in small med and large $k9.5. 10.5 an what was the last 1? 13 666? Here take my daddy's credit card number down right quick an hold onto it… got somin new cumin out??, charge it ship it send it good buddy. No need to ask. I mean it's not like daddy has all this money from honest work. Just screwin people out of their money so it ain't no thang

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