Home AR-15 Homemade Firearms Ban Passes PA House

Homemade Firearms Ban Passes PA House


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  1. You and the rest of your snide and uneducated anti-NRA trolls give me heartburn, and you've just lost my respect; just because they stepped on their d*cks it's become fashionable to drag them over the rocks. Since 1871, they've been carrying the can by themselves on the national level, with only help from state level organizations; they are hardly latecomers. It's become shamefully fashionable to jump on people, even the people who have acted on your interests, when they're down. They have had, and still have, more lobbying power than the rest of you wannabes put together. But you want to try to aggrandize your position by jumping on your friends; all you're doing is demonstrating to our enemies, who are well organized, well funded, and have a unity of purpose that we have none of these things. You clowns put more energy into trolling the NRA and squabbling about the difference between clips and magazines, and endlessly quoting the Constitution,than you do about uniting against an organized and committed enemy. I am old, (and experienced) so I probably will not live to see my weapons confiscated, but the rest of you will if don't get your act together and remember who your enemy is. Start using your heads for something besides hat racks. If you don't hang together, you will hang separately.

  2. Why on earth do they call a home made gun a ghost gun? It’s a home made gun. It’s imperative that guns not be registered in order to thwart government overreach or tyranny. The only reason to register is to confiscate. Founders warning!

  3. This is like saying that the house passes ban on freedom. Do they realize that this kind of lawlessness will result in many to withdraw their consent to be governed by these lawbreakers.

  4. First, China smuggled in the switches across the open southern border. Then someone released the computer code for the 3D printer. The goal is to use Machiavellian tactics to disarm the American civilian. So, ask yourself – who stands to gain by Americans getting murdered? If the American citizen is disarmed, who will be armed? An alleged domestic abuser waiting to jump in?
    👉 The Left uses Alinsky's Rules for radicals as their cookbook …why not use Rule 5 back at them?
    5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

  5. So if you buy a barrel, a lock, and a trigger for a muzzleloader, and shape and carve the stock, and put it all together, do you have a homemade firearm? PA was famous for muzzleloading manufacture with many notable gunsmiths whose work is studied to this day! Those men would never stand for this!!!

  6. Obviously, "Ghost Guns" are bad. Without serial numbers, how would we know which guns were stolen from the National Guard or which were stolen from the FBI? Seriously, why do we never see statistics on how many murders are solved by tracing serial numbers?

  7. You know something, it doesn't mattef if any if you think whst politicians do is unconstitutional or even if it really is unconstitutional or not. Everyone needs to stop posting their own opinions about the 2-A and instead concentrate on pulling together so as not to let them do away with any of the parts if the 2,A thst we still have left. If we keep bickering among ourselves the few rights we have today won't be there much past tomorrow. Get it together people! Afterall, you , me, and other patriots are all that we have left. If we let the left destroy us from the inside out , there won't be be anything to fight for that could even be possible for us.

  8. Liberal Socialist Democrats dream of a day when the ruling elite , police and their families are the only ones allowed to possess firearms ,they will finally have complete control over their subjects

  9. Ya know I was given a pretty substantial education in all things pew and that that goes kaboom, sorry sorry kaboom is an Islamic holiday so how bout just boom. Then I went to school and got my engimineering in mechanicals from Penn State before it went full Harvard and you never go full Harvard. And with a mini lathe and one of dem 3 dimensional plastic vomit machines I think I can come up with some pretty sweet black powder using pewtastic awesomeness. How about a steam motor powered version of an m134 with caseless black powder . 😅

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