Home CMMG CMMG Banshee Epic Fail- Not Worth the Space in Your Safe

CMMG Banshee Epic Fail- Not Worth the Space in Your Safe


CMMG can’t make it through a magazine without multiple failures.




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  1. Thanks for sharing, but you really should give CMMG a chance to look at it and let you know what happened before saying that their products are junk. Every company has issues here and there. How they handle those issues matters. I’ve never had anything but reliable CMMG products, so I know they’re not junk. Sample size of one, and not even talking to the company before trashing their products? Idk, man. That’s not very professional.

  2. Tf is going on lol the comments section is kissing this dudes ass for transparency? Guys this dudes been a PCC pusher + shotgun pusher for shtf events for the entire life of this channel lol

    Dude was pushing the two worst options this entire time this comment section is high

  3. Is it possible the ejected shells are hitting the EOTech and bouncing back in the ejection port? It looks like almost every malfunction you have, you never see the casing (of the shot that the caused the jam) get kicked out before it jams. I could be wrong but might be worth a look

  4. Nice to see a smaller channel get an off the rack weapon from a big company and get some honest results. Interesting how the same model given to big channels by the company never seems to have any problem in their more popular reviews

  5. Wow, I have a Foxtrot Mike 8" and a gen 3 Sub 2000 and they have never failed shooting all kinds of ammo. 9mm PCCs can be good and the lower noise make for a good home defense gun.

  6. My (regular) Banshee 300 gets the same "double feeds" as yours is getting Trench. …It started out great for ~500rnds, but now I get multiple double feeds per Glock mag (it's way worse suppressed). I tried adding a 2oz buffer-weight in the tube, but that did nothing. ANY IDEAS HOW WE FIX THIS TRENCH? I also already replaced the extractor spring thinking the old cartridge wasn't extracting (because that's actually what is happening to me, the old spent cartridge is getting smashed forward as the new one tries to feed).

  7. Sorry to hear about this I've been strongly considering one of these and have watched too many videos to count that have (never) seen this issue… In fact, I just watched another video with the 5 inch version. Glock mags magdumped probably went through a 100 pounds without one issue. It sounds like you have a lemon. This will be a good opportunity for you to report back to us on their customer service, especially if we're considering buying a Banshee… Greatly appreciate you putting this out. Keep us posted on the customer service..

  8. If you're sure it's not crud in the gun that you might have missed, I suggest tightening the mag release button by a half turn or a full turn, I had a similar problem with a dpms, the mag catch wore / broke in just enough to need tightening after a couple hundred rounds, been 100% since then.

  9. I have a banshee that takes M17 mags, and it hasn’t failed me ever.

    Glock mags suck in everything but a glock. I never buy a PCC in Glock mag pattern.

    That said I also have an APC9k and that’s what I would trust my life to.

  10. Its kinda cool seeing trenches pcc evolution. Hating them, to liking them, and probably back to hating on them. At least he will have tried pccs (publicly, on the channel) when he roasts them next.

    Whenever a govt agency adopts something, for multiple years, the manufacturer usually works the kinks out of the system, to extend the contract. USMC, DEA, DOE ect adopted the 9mm Car-15, straight blowback, and i suspect the R&D to keep those guns running is why the 9mm ones ive had run well. Interestingly non adopted calibers jam constantly (45acp) or run great untill the not unfrequent head case separation (40 s&w.)

    This cmmg banshee thing reminds me of an ak in 556. Sure it runs, but thats after youve dumped the price of the gun finding mags that work, and replacing non standard parts.

  11. The ejection pattern was all over the place. Given you’d never had problems like this before, something must be broken. Very frustrated for you since you liked this setup so much and trusted it completely till now. Please let us know how CMMG handles this for you. I didn’t realize you’d almost spent $2,000 on it. Consider going with a B&T APC9 Pro for your Glock-compatible PCC platform.

  12. A Few hundred rounds through my extar ep9 with no issues running steel ammo or defensive along woth glock mags, pmags and extra mags and only $500. Sucks to see the high price guns having issues.

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