The NEW Mk47 by CMMG combines innovation with quality
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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this video are those of the speaker and guests and do not necessarliy reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent.

It’s so sweet. But I live in Kommiefornia with Newscum and his plebes running the government. So when I achieve my great escape from the state socialist confusion and reside in one of the “free states” soon I’ll be loading up on new industrial hardware.
Nothing like advertisement. Plut you get free guns. No o e cares. Either you're a gun channel or a news channel which one is it.
Johnny B !!!!
Overrated and underwhelming rifles. But boy you leviathan group folks sure advertise the heck outta CMMG.
I would like to buy this, one day

Now we need some damn ammo for the thing and not the $1.00 a round shit either lol bring back Russian ammo and aks

Kitty pusser mmmmeeeeeeoooooooww
i'm more of a dog and a parakeet person, but i like the gun
Thank you for the video.
AK-47 vs AR-15? How about the best of both worlds!
CMMG is one of the most based companies in the market. In addition to making phenomenal mid to high end products that are unique they make excellent cheaper stuff too.
Was that your arch nemesis, Johnny B, at the range?
Not gonna lie, I would LOVE to have one of these one day
Just checked out their prices for thus and the ar version. You can easily build your own for half the price than their $2000+ their asking . And thats with using qaulity parts . And still get it cheaper having a gunsmith build it for you
Nice rifle just too pricey
“Oh they accidently sent me the fullauto!
That mystery box was awesome!
Hopefully in some time steel cased ammo will be allowed back in and at a decent price.
At 2300 bills a copy, well I’ll run my PSA with a CMV barrels. I’d like to see a Crome lined barrel with that price point.
The Founding fathers GAVE the CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHT to the American people of the United States who now own them.
Their goal was to protect us from what is happening a government and or State that wants to strip us of our RIGHTS.
Therefore even if the government or states pass anti firearm laws,
Those laws are no good because OUR rights are not theirs to give or take away from us.
Please pass this message on to others.
whats with the destroyed cop car in the backround of the first 50s ?
Got my AR in 7.62×39 as well

i keep extractors and firing pins on hand tho. Wonder how the CMMG eats steel 
Considering I’ve already seen one of these disassemble itself under recoil, I would avoid, if you can’t even get your hand guard to stay on under recoil then maybe you need to rethink your design
At least with they psa ks47 you know you are getting a tight grouping 4150cmv barrel.