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NRA-ILA | Kentucky: Senator Westerfield Expected to Introduce Red Flag Legislation for a Hearing this Month


The Interim Joint Committee on Judiciary is expected to hear legislation on “Red Flag” laws later this month as a result of legislation to be filed by Senator Whitney Westerfield (R-3). While an official agenda and bill language has not been posted yet, it is important for Second Amendment supporters to engage their lawmakers to head off such proposals. Please contact committee members and ask them to OPPOSE Sen. Westerfield’s bill by using the “Take Action” button below.


Commonly called “Red Flag” or extreme risk protection orders, these suspend an individual’s Second Amendment Rights, not because of a criminal conviction or mental adjudication, but on the basis of third-party accusations. Further, these orders are severely lacking in due process. Senator Westerfield has attempted to rebrand his legislation as “Crisis Aversion and Rights Retention” to try and hide the blatant disregard for this attack on constitutional rights. He has wanted to impose such a New York-style scheme upon Kentuckians for years and has now made gun control his final priority since he has chosen to not run for reelection.

Stay tuned to your inbox and www.nraila.org for updates concerning your Second Amendment Rights and hunting heritage in the Bluegrass State. 


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