Chase goes over the basics of zeroing your LPVO. Things to consider are your location and use case for your weapon, target, ammo choice, normal target distances, and more. To learn more about our Vudu lineup head over to:
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Wonder how many rounds it would last on a Scar 17.
Literally just mounted my Vudu 1-10 with the LEAP 09 mount on my Scar an hour ago and then I saw this video got posted!
Where did you find your ACR stock lol can’t find one anywhere
Can you give some feedback on why Eotech could produce this scope with a daylight bright reticle? It have been just about the perfect LPVO if it were daylight bright. It couldn't have been that much more money to make it daylight bright.
Nice SCAR and nice scope
hey brotha /patriot there , i am a u.s. marine vet here 93' to 97' active n would love to know if i can get a free 4 x sized dark colored tshirt or long sleeved shirt shipped out to me possibly ? n also i am looking for any free type g.a.w.'s/contests/promotions out there + if you guys know of any , send me links i love n ebter them all , thanks > tom !