In this video our very own JB talks through the evolution of EOTECH products from our early days to our latest optics. It’s always cool to look back at where we have come from and how things evolved.
NOTE: The Grenade Launcher, Mk56, and EOLAD (552 with the laser on the side) are discontinued products and are no longer available. No inquiries as to their availability, please.
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Michigan needs to purge the election riggers of 2020.
You guys gonna ever do a shake awake feature? Holosun is beating you like gong
Lol I have 2/3s of the units on that table.
I really want to see the new version of the built in laser model!
Ok but like, why don't you sell the combo laser sight anymore??? Like there is DEFINITELY still demand for that
There is no disclaimer you can put in the description that will keep me from asking for an EOLAD
Eotech is awesome!!!!
>No “this product is not available” disclaimer on the SU-231
So you’re telling me there is hope…
Seeing a giant eotech on top the gau 19 was impressive. I’d definitely buy a tax stamp for that combo.
Why is Al Borland yelling at me about holograms?
When was the last time your current models had a leap in innovation and when will be the next evolution?
This was super interesting!
Can’t wait for your new one!!!
EXP series are not that ruggediized… They should make the hood out of titanium.
Yeah do us a favor, launch the OGL or give us back the peq15 until it comes out. On top of that, why not keep selling the older models for cloners?
I really wish you guys would bring back something unique like the rising tracer reticle from the Bushnell Holosight. Take advantage of the fact that you are projecting a 3d image instead of just a flat circle dot.
Or just bring back the biohazard logo
Can't wait for the technology to improve so battery life can rival a standard red dot.
Tim Allen is that you?
Wow awesome man!
I want to put that big one on a 22 pistol!

EOTECH Rules!!! I have 20 of them!