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Arken Optics appeared on the scene with some great looking optics at a price that seems too good to be true. I noticed them when my buddy Eric at IV8888 talked about them. I’ve rarely found budget scopes in the less than $500 range to be worth the money. Most of them wind up being rather cheap feeling and their performance has been far less than ideal. So I grabbed a SH4 gen II Arken optic and I’ve been shooting it for a few months now on my POF Revolution rifle.
#budget #scope #arken
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I took mine out to 800 yards first time going past 150 and the glass is
love amazing it’s great.
Just checked the website and they have the sh4 gen 2 4-16×50 for 299
I have one and very happy with it, but learned a couple of things when you discussed reticle operation vs holdover, thank. Job well done.
hey scope makers get all that shit outta the reticle a simple cross hair or mil dots at most this gimmicky christmas tree bullshit is junk.
I stopped listening when he said "Made in China." China makes great viruses….not great optics.
You should test it on a light weight rifle in a big caliber. Cheap scope fail on heavy recoil and allso when looking close to the sun.
Hmmm… *strokes chin*… this brand has piqued my curiosity after visiting the website. I am looking for something to put atop my RPR in .338LM for my 1k+ platform. I went with Vortex for my 5.56/7.62/6.5 cal stuff, but I want to change it up for my .300/.338 magnum calibers Any recommendations?
When is Arkan dropping a 1-10
I am a bit of a scope snob, and have been very impressed with Arken. One thing, Mac, I would like to have seen more comparisons other scopes, like: how does this compare to the Vortex Strike Eagle, which is a debate I get from our customers recently. Forget about the price, but what scope would you compare this one to. Also, your Primary Arms commercial in the middle of video is a bit distracting, and your comments back to PA as the next level up seems to have a little bias. Compare this to a Leupold, or SHV Nightforce or Burris, etc. PA as well. I enjoyed your review of the features, and a good review overall.
Thanks for the review!
Stupid baby yodas always moving around on there own
I have Primary Arms Optics with range finding. Can you range find with the Arken?
The Holosun of the scope world!
Great product, easy to clean -worked out great !
Just ordered a ep5 5-25×56 for my new rifle build. Ordered a mdt onyx as a chassis for my .308. 700 action
i hear these scopes have better glass than nightforce !!!
I’m still a Primary Arms fan…. ACSS Reticles
Of course all the guys saying "just as good as (insert high end co.)" Come out of the wood work.
I got a Vector Optics Continental 3-18×50 this last Christmas for 435.00
This is a decent scope I was looking at this and the Bushnell match pro 6-24×50 ended up going with the Bushnell because the eye box was more forgiving and the glass wa
How would these compare to swampfox optics. Like the Kentucky long etc
I read most of the comments and didn't see it. I just wanted to point out that the knob on the side is a parallax adjustment not a side focus. There is a huge difference and a person using a variable scope, should study and know its function. Thanks for your review.
I was liking it until you said made in China.
Might just be my ADHD but am I going crazy or are the two baby Yodas changing their positions from shot to shot throughout the video??
Love the video….great review of Arken….I see the Arken EP5 5-25X56mm FFP is going for around $450 online…..I was wondering, would you pick the Arken scope over lets say a Vortex Venom 5-25×56 FFP which I'm finding for about $50 more.
Great review. I have the EP5 and the SH4. I like my EP5. I'm disappointed in the SH4. To me, for a budget scope, I'd rather put my money into a scope with less features, but better glass.
I have my one Gucci NF scope and that's all I can afford. I'm gonna give one of these a go and test it out. I like my SWFA too and some lower end Leupolds.
most people don't out shoot their scope, yet they insist on spending all the money!
Interesting, I'm planning on buying one for my POF Revolution, so at least I know what it'll look like on the rifle LoL. It seems a little back asswards to be putting a $450 optic on a $2400 gun, but the main scope is a 1-10 LPVO, and I just want the higher magnification for testing loads and longer ranges. Great review as always.
hay i’m not shore when this video was made but just describing how glass looks is so out of date if you plan on review scopes you need to get a scope cam we have been told for years how great scope look how clear the glass is and all that but it 2022 we can do better and i think you can too
Chinese junk what's wrong with you buy from our Allies I can't believey fellow Vets are selling this crap
Put it up against a $2,000 scope and most people won’t know the difference.
Dumb question: does this reticle work the same with a 5.56 and .308? Maybe I'm forgetting sniper 101, but don't different calibers mean different holdover BDC's are needed?
This smokes Primary arms and Vortex…(some Vortex, lol)
Great scope but heavy AF.
More expensive doesn't always mean better.
I got to try out this exact scope pretty extensively as my friend had one on his highly customized CZ 457 Varmint MTR this rifle rarely goes over. 5moa at 50 or 1moa at 100
He let me put close to 200 rounds through it at 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 180, and 200 yards
I was so impressed with how well it worked especially how well it tracked I bought two in MOA
Found them on sale on linecfor $290 WITH shipping AND tax.
Putting one on my new B14R and the other will either go on my T1X or I'm seriously considering selling the T1X to help fund the purchase of the Chassis version of the CZ 457 Varmint MTR.
I want to shoot factory class in both ASA and NLR and this scope will do great in both.
Is this really $289 right now? What???
Im looking at purchasing the 4-16×50 Any feedback as a hunting optic would be great. Most shots would be less than 150 yards but want the option for up to 350 yards expecting Most hunting areas to be under tree canopy. TIA
I have GEN 1 PST and GEN 2 PST scopes that Ive appreciated the line for well over a decade. I was looking at a great price on MRAD PST and was wondering which way you'd lean between the two (this Arken and the Gen 1 PST MRAD) at same price (within $50-$100). Since you've handled both.
Ive just bought my son a PTR PERIMETER that I've ran out to 1000m, and I've put 400 rounds thru it, breaking it in since Spring, along side some of my very reliable precision rifles, including my HK 91 and my custom Mk 24 clone. The thing's spot on, thru 5 different optics from Leupold to NF. SO, I'm looking for a GOOD performance optic at some savings, that will carry him into his future. I know the gen 1 PST are reliable and legit. But, this got my attention watching reviews between you and IV8888. APPRECIATE any time in an answer, one career vet to another.
ibox on sh4 not good sending my arken back!I ordered a vortex diamondback tactical 6-24×50 like i have on my B22 for my Bergara b14 HMR
Tim, greetings. I had a thought, lol I will make an exception on this scope, I have not been able to let go of the bargain aspects of this highly spoken of distance scope. I figure if I have to buy something from china, I will buy something to help resist the adrenochrome users goal's. Plus I just visited their web site and their is a sale. All these scopes are well under 300. Thanks again
Just bought a Arken SH4 6-24X50 GEN2 FFP MIL VPR Illuminated Reticle with Zero Stop – 34mm Tube today. $299 plus combo pack for a total of $324.95 shipped. The combo pack is pretty useless to me. Found out their 20 moa mount is essentially only for an AR 10 platform. I couldn't use it on my Bergara Bolt gun. The flip up rear lens cover is useless. Can't use the rear focus when that is installed. And the rubber mounting is hokey.
Isnt primary arms a Chinese scope
These are $299 LABOR DAY 2022. Just popped.