In this Hatchet Cast Episode, Eric & Roy discuss the AR uppers that cover your bases from 7-600 yards. Eric and Roy discuss their upper setups and how they took the SOPMOD program model and utilized that to help them steer their equipment to cover all the gaps from 7-600 yards. Intro video was edited by RETRODIGITALMEDIA!!
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Big fan of the two upper thought process.
Mk18 & Mk 12
11.5” & Mk 12
12.5” & Mk 12
13.7/9” & Mk 12
14.5” & Mk 12
16” and Mk 12
Mk 12 & Mk 12
20” and Mk 12
You really can’t go wrong with any of these combos.
What suppressors do you recommend for a 10.3 MK18? I am running a Sandman S and i like it, but always open to new suggestions . I tried a K and it was horrible on that MK18.
Nah uh!
You should really check out the Stag Arms left handed upper receiver if you shoot south paw (left handed)!!!
My 2 upper options would be my Mega/criterion 11.5 with an Eotech EXPS2-0 for CQB and manuverability. Second choice is my Mega/DD 16 inch with a kahles K18I for distance shooting and better M855A1, MK262 velocities.
Have you guys ever set up a lewis machine and tool monolithic upper? Instead of all the upper debates/swaps you have a rifle with quick barrel change options. With D. wilson doing MWS barrel conversions you can make practically any barrel a MWS barrel. Takeout 2 T30 screws and boom your 11.5 is now a 12.5, 13.7, 16 inch barrel, and all your lasers lights, and optics remain unchanged.
What magazines are you running?
16” LWRC with a tr25 or an acog surefire light
How hucking rich are y’all that you have the top of the line $$$ shit?
Guy on the right talks too much
I don’t see much purpose in choosing 2 uppers that are only 2-3in difference. If im choosing 2 different uppers, they are going to be different enough to justify having the other.
16in is still my favorite option. Short enough to get in and out of vehicles with. Long enough to get good ballistics with at longer range. Plus you don’t have to do the NFA bullshit, or worry about crossing state lines with an SBR and you dont have to pin and weld a flash hider to your barrel. Which then restricts what QD suppressors I have to buy when I get the funds to do it.
Which Id rather deal with the ATF over a suppressor than a firearm.
I started using some of the foxtrot Mike uppers that are fully self-contained can fire with stock folded. A HK style charging handle. The 102 model has locking charging handle takes traditional AK-47 magazines and does the HK SLAP CHARGING. After the initial couple hundred round break in. I started feeding it handloads from 35 Grain on up to 100 grain subsonic. 1000 rounds and big was only a little dirty. It does not need a traditional AR buffer tube and spring and makes a perfect truck or back pack gun. I have one in a 19in backpack. Many folding stock options to shed weight. Strike Industries offer folding stock that folds to either side and locked. Also is one second quick detach and attach. I also like that Foxtrot Mike came out with there own folding stock that's tough enough breach doors or a old school upper but stroke to the chin. You can literally stand on it across 2x4s and holds solid. But folds easy when you want. They even have a AR HK AK hybrid. Once I got used to it it's so much easier and faster to operate than a AR. With a bad lever your strong hand keeps gun and eyes on target while clearing a jam.
one rifle? Light weight 14.5 grendel works in a perfect world… with what's available on the market now.
If that senex arms bullpup comes out… that could change things.
Currently have
Wilson Combat billet Recon Tactical match 14.5” 5.56 intermediate gas length w/ EOTECh 3-2 and G45 5x magnifier
Wilson Combat billet Urban Super Sniper fluted bull 18” .223 Wylde rifle length gas w/ either Leupold Patrol 6HD 1-6 or Leupold Mk 5 3.6-18 depending where I’m shooting
and a forged Stag 16” 5.56 carbine gas length w/ Primary Arms 1x Prism for when I’m worn out from the heavy ass Wilson's
I really love all three.
Jesus…. The guy on the right. STOP INTERRUPTING THE OTHER GUY.
So much fluff before and in between conversations geeze
Geisele URGI 10.3 is literally the same as a MK18 and lighter but gets hot as F with a suppressor
Do you sbr your short rifles?
Most if not all none sponsored shooters will ever out shoot even the most inexpensive modern AR platforms. Put your money in good optics and find training near you. Shoot alot schedule it do it.
11.5 BCM MCMR & a 14.5 Daniel Defense RIS 2…those have been my go to rifles for the last 4 years
26+mins of two dudes stroking each other off

. If you’re cool you won’t get mad.
Anyway 20” A4 for me. It’s all about the area you live in. If I’m urban/suburban 12.5-14.5”. This should be common knowledge for anyone owning an AR or AK etc for more than 3 years.
Only 1? 12.5, EoTech + G33. Great "do all." YRMV.
I like that the multi dot eo tech got some love
What suppressor are you running is that a OSS
Mexican with old glory shirt, makes sense. Talk about token
12.5 hodge defense with triarc wedge lock on DD SBR lower and Aimpoint comp 5 (add a turbo k when needed). 11.5 CQB full KAC with Raid XE, Sure turbo mini, sico omega, Aimpoint T2, 14.5 KAC w LMT lower, nx8 with Aimpoint T1 12 o’clock, Mawl, modlite and turbo K can.
Im perfectly fine with my KAC 11.5
What companies 12.5"?
New to the AR game… bought an Andersen Manufacturing 16" and it feels off balance and nose heavy!
I was actually shocked, i did a BCM 14.5 medium weight fluted barrel. And its INCREDIBLY well balanced like you guys said. It feels about the same as my 11.5 gov profile as far as manuevering aside from length.
IMO best complete uppers out there, BCM BFH ELW, PWS, Aero/BA, LMT, Geissele, DD.
I don't care if I like you! I care you're a great instructor, knowledgeable, and I' get good quality abuse for my monies worth of training!

Crazy how short stuff is getting these days . . . I've got a 14.5" Lone Star Armory mid length, ATACR 1-8x, offset P2 as my "do everything" setup.
Pretty complicated to follow. Are we still talking airsoft here.jk
Nothing is a wrong answer, i agree, but 556 I will always run 16 inches. 300 blackout 8.5 to 9. 6.5 Grendel 20 inch.
It's definitely Riz not Rize. Reed and Trey Knight both pronounce it Riz
Skip to this 4:06
What about piston driven
One Riffle? 13.7 mid gas with a good lpvo. 1-8×24
My fav in the rifle game is my 13.9 SOLGW in my FCD upper with canted RMR and the new Leupold 1-5 with the Mod lite and YHM Turbo K suppressor on it. Crazy light weight and I can crush 800 yard shots with consistently. I strip the light off and run it in my run and gun events as well.
I did like my suppressed MK18 until I got the PWS MK111 MOD2 and I’m very happy with it. I do like how the MK18 is insanely smooth but the PWS with adjustable gas set up is a better set up for me. Great vids guys, you guys do a great job. I think a class in my future with you gents.
Has anybody shoved a Huxwrx and a Sandman in some mud to see how they perform if they get caked up?
This is a long debated and discussed topic, as for myself and what I prefer; for my Short barrel would be a 12.5 with the Rosco Patrol barrel and gas system. Long barrel is a 16 mid length with the Faxon Gunner profile barrel. My 13.9 mid length (Ballistic Advantage Hanson profile) is right in-between the two; the 13.7/9 is the do all barrel length for most performance shooting application in my experience. 14.5 held that role for the longest time, but with the tech advancement of the 13.7/9 is has become that sweet spot length for rifles in terms of short maneuverability and extended distance applications (300-600 yards).
Homeboy on the right loves to cut the other homie off.
Great video