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The AR15 is a very capable rifle and with modern calibers like 6.5 Grendel it has a whole new world of possibilities opened up for it. While 5.56 makes for a great military cartridge, it’s less than ideal under various circumstances like terminal performance past 500 yards. Modern calibers like 6.5 Grendel change that without significantly increasing the size or weight of the AR15.
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#ar15 #6.5Grendel #longrange
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I like my 338/06
285 grain eldm at 2300 velocity with an .829 g1Bc
Revolting how heartless Americans talk about killing animals as though they were vegetables. Absolutely zero respect for taking life. Want to be a macho? Go hunt human traffickers.
But… .300blk even in an 8" barrel and suppressed is the best out to 150m
The cost and performance of 6.5 and 6.8 relative to .308 really makes this argument pointless
Good DM rifle
I assembled one, like it a lot. But getting brass is nigh impossible these days. Got any leads for getting some that won't cost me a limb or two?
6,5mm is much stronger. But the Caliber is not full new, look at the 6,5 mm Carcano Rifle
Looks like a bad ass round but at the end of the day, I’ll keep 556. More rounds, less weight, and a 500m effective range.
how das this setup works on wild boar?
i am using an matching setup with an 18'' barrel, but mine ist not grouping. i tried 100gr to 140gr bullets.
it very hard to find any information about 6.5grendel here in germany, its very exotic to the german market.
I found the 123 grain Hornaday black is the most accurate round for my rifle.
Enter the 6mm arc.
It was never ever a military rifle, ever.
I would love to see you test the same 2 cartridges, at long range military 500 yrds.
Just think how much the people would have saved, if they switched to this round from the .556, and how much more effective range, each solder would have gained
Really? Much needed?
I guess I'll just toss my 5.56 ar then.
It's an underachiever.
I greatly appreciate your efforts to keep us all updated! Going forward, when this gets overturned, what happens to all the registrations in the hopper so to speak?
the 6.5 G or the 6.8 SPC are better option for the civilian sportsman. IMO. I wish the military picked up the Grendel TBH.
We tested both the Grendel and 6.8 and found the 6.8 bullets expand better when shot from barrels 16" and under so we chose the 6.8 for hunting rifles for the whole family.
I personally think that this is the best all around ar caliber I believe that the military should consider it. For me the only reason I would choose a 5.56 for a bug out gun would be that the ammo would be everywhere
I like 6.5 grendel because it reminds me of Beowulf
That;s the toughest squirel I have ever seen in my life! It keeps getting up after every shot!
I just stumbled on this video an immediately felt the need to comment. Years ago I built a Grendel to hunt deer with after buying into much of the hype around the Grendel. I built a 24” barrel gun to get maximum performance. Accuracy was outstanding! But my first deer was my last with the Grendel. The inability to penetrate the base of a doe’s neck at 150 yards is unacceptable. Why? I’ve hunting deer with numerous rounds from 223 to 7 mag and I have never had failure to penetrate! Even with a 223 with a 55 grain Varmint bullet, my only deer with that round and it completely pasted though. I subsequently moved to a 300 Hamr which doesn’t have the range of the Grendel but it has superior terminal effect within it’s applicable range.
Whats the best ammo for 6.5 grendel
I understand that evidently someone with a vested interest in the 6.5 was pushing it, but the 6.8mm is a better round in all performance metrics isn't it?
For future reference, maybe naming something after the bastard son of adultery between a demon and a human may not be the best marketing technique.
In the West, the offspring of such things is not regarded very highly.
Among the best overall cartridges within the platform size.
I was gonna jump into this cartridge before Wolf tripled the price of the steel cs ammo. I reload most of my ammo also, but finding bass is a pain. Back to 5.56 and 300BlkOut
With a Norma .264 120 grain FMJBT you can get up to 1942 ft lbs
I built one several years back and it is hands down my favorite caliber in an MSR platform. Shoots about any ammo so so but really shines when you hand load for it.
6.5grendel the best ar15 cartridge ever developed. In my opinion.
AR = American Rifle
6MM ARC is even slightly better at long range, more accurate and a faster round than 6.5 Grendel ammo. However, the deal breaker is that each 6MM ARC round is a whopping 1.50$ -2.00$ vs only .80 – 90 cents a round for the Grendel. Stinks!
Going to go find your Valkyrie videos. Trying to decide between it and the 6.5 for my next AR
3:16 "…made from some sort of rigid, malleable material…" "Rigid" is an antonym of "malleable," so nope. If you can squeeze those clamps by hand, they are not rigid. Secure maybe, but not rigid. But ok, it looks like a fine tripod, and it's an otherwise decent product push, though a little heavy handed, given that the video is supposed to be about the 6.5 Grendel, but about 1/3 of it is about the tripod.
Can you do a review on a pro2a tactical AR? Company out of Georgia.
Excellent video!
What scope?
The only thing I do not like is the capacity. Do they make extended mags that are reliable for the 6.5. I really want another ar and this caliber is so interesting to me. I wonder about ammo availability. Also how hard would it be to convert it to a 556 or a different caliber if needed. The barrel obviously but would the lower end have to be replaced on this one? Thankyou for the video
What you're doing is so bad. Hunting animals just for fun. You have no heart.
Convinced me to get one literally thought about buying one to shoot axis deer and this was all I needed
Say MAC, Hope all is well with you and yours. I just finished putting together a budget 6.5 Grendel w/16" barrel, 1:8 twist, socom profile so it is more of a heavy barrel than not.
It's built from some Gorilla Machining parts, BCA and an Oh Hunt handguard and scope. I told you it was a budget build.
The only issue I had on the first trip to the range was 3 FTF's. 2 with Wolf ammo and 1 with Hornady. The firing pin strike certainly looks as though
it hit hard enough so the first thing I'm questioning is the ammo. I almost expected something from the Wolf ammo but not so much from the Hornady.
How common is this FTF from Hornady as I've read post from a few guys who have said that this happens with Wolf ammo quite a bit.
Your thoughts?
Are you talking about the 6.5 grendel or the tripod stand?? Lol.
im gonna need to start a 6.5 upper hunting AR build, hmm coming soon hopefully