Review and shooting my Bushmaster M4/A3 Patrolman AR15 Carbine
I got it from Cheaper Than Dirt
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I got a friend that is selling me one bushmaster just like this great conditions and 6 mags for $600 is this a good deal or should I pass on it?
Bought one for 400 bucks brand spanking new. Buddy bought it, never shot it, then sold it to me for 400
I heard the same thing, don't get a bushmaster, don't get a bushmaster because you'll have a better ar than me.
My wife bought it yesterday for me for memorial day and I couldn't be more satisfied.
I just got one. Only problem was the mag it came with was cheap. If you don't count exactly 30 rounds, it will put in 31…. and then not load.
Just picked up my Bushmaster a couple of weeks ago. 300 rds through it and not a problem.
Just got one from Gallenson's in SLC, UT for 1100. Best set up in the store at the time of purchase, I really wanted a Rock River from all the hype I hear, but this will suffice and I think I purchased well. Excited to shoot it, been rockin' a Ruger Mini-14 tactical for years and finally broke down and got an AR.
i picked one up for$ 1,100
Anyone know if this same carbine is pretty decent from Walmart? Aftermarket rail system available too?
Nice vid. Love the rapid fire. Can't wait for mine, fuckin longest 10 days of my life. In ca, were we aren't free
you know it looks automatic when he fires but its just a good trigger finger
$947 Wally World PA
walmart sells it for $897.00
I can't find a colt for less than $1200 though.
I've been wanting this gun for about a year,when I first started looking at it it was only $850,now it is almost $1,000. Do you think it is still a good buy at $1,000?
How much u pay?
it looks like you were right and they were wrong.
I like the Bushmaster XM-14 a whole lot better.
Good video. I wanted a review that said whether or not the owner likes it or not (lots of reviews seem to just be full of technical data that doesn't really give me the "opinion" of the owner).
@1crimm Thanks for your reply and input sir!
Badass man. Badass
I'm looking into this same gun, NIB for $835. What did you get yours for? Still happy with it?
@1crimm Ok thank.