Home EOTech Eotech exps3-4 bdc tested! 14.5″ barrel to 600yds

Eotech exps3-4 bdc tested! 14.5″ barrel to 600yds


The Eotech EXPS 3-4 provides shooters with an extremely versatile optic. You can rapidly engage close range targets using the 1x capabilities of the optic, and then if you add a magnifier you can shoot out to distance using the integrated bullet drop compensation dots. In this video we will explore just how effective the eotech exps 3-4 is when engaging targets out to 600 yds using the integrated BDC dots.

Rifle details:
– Colt 6920 upper with 14.5″ colt socom weight 1 in 7″ twist barrel. DD RIS II FSP rail
– SR 15 lower with kac 2 stage trigger and b5 precision stock

Optic details:
Eotech exps 3-4
Eotech G45 magnifier

Ammo details:
– Hornady black .223 62gr fmj

00:00 Intro
01:45 gear review
04:56 50 yd zero check
05:53 200 yd line
06:41 50/200 target review
07:30 400 yd line
09:51 500 yd line
12:09 600 yd line
14:59 Shooting review
18:49 My thoughts
19:41 Closing comments

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  1. Did you know that the EOTECH 65moa ring can be used for rapid ranging out to 300 yards? I bet you could actually range past it with the BDC holds in the reticle. Worth a quick google search!

  2. I’m thinking about setting up my 16inch heavy barrel like this. Only a sig Romeo and Juliet as the optic system. And a different B5 stock. Nice video I love seeing you take these rifles out to distance.

  3. So, Sir just want to say I am a fan of your videos as they are very informative and no fluff. The most useful content I have found on YouTube. With that said I am a fan of and own Accu-Tac bipods, for the love of all that is Holy, would you take the sticker of the tension levers and quit killing my OCD!!!!!!! 🤔

  4. This has quickly become one of my favorite gun channels. Super well spoken, knowledgeable, and puts out very relevant and useful content. I think this channel is going to grow massively as more people discover it.

  5. Do you think your poi would have been better / higher using a 16" barrel and the .223? I'm thinking it would be because you'd have a little faster velocity?

  6. I love these videos. I would like to see you try one of those new Primary Arms 5x micro prisms. They are supposed to be coming up with a mount that lets you piggyback a red dot on top. I'm thinking it will be a good budget 1-5x option.

  7. Before watching video, this is what I needed. I have a 14.5 with exps 3-4 and almost exclusively run green tip. But my range only goes to 400.

    After video, I'm more confident in my set up, so thank you so much. I just need to pull the trigger on the magnifier and find a place to practice a bit further.

  8. Would really love to see it don’t again but with m855, maybe In the fall? I’ve always heard the m855 isn’t super accurate due to the core not being perfectly centered. It being low was probably just under powered ammo vs what it’s designed for. I have an acss reticle in an lpvo and if i run anything other than full power m193 I’ll get the same results. Even depending on the brand of m193 i will be a bit low, they’re probably using a 20” barrel also when I’m only using a 16”.

    This is one of my favorite channels man,i love data and seeing someone actually do the stuff vs just talking about it is great! Keep up the great work!

  9. Cant think of any other channel that gives as much information as this with only 30 rounds. Most guys have to spend a pay check on dumping ammo to keep peoples attention

  10. That's exactly what i'm gonna build here in the very near future . My only preferences i'm going to go with a twelve inch barrel. I'll just do that I think your set up is perfect. It's just my preference on the shorter barrel.

  11. I have the Nikon ar optics 600bdc 3×9 on mine and says it’s calibrated for 55s@3240 but round 3100 I find pressure signs and can’t get em there…yrs back I used to take 55gr ball to 400 cold and put every round on a jug and have been out to round 800 holdin the entire scope on old 28” tv…got some 85gr rdf you need to try at distance to see how they fair…had to seat em deep to clear mag but there long boys that surely can reach the lands….thanks again my brother…..matt

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