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Micro 5inch complete AR pistol upper
5.56 | 300blk | 7.62
Mini Buffer Tube
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Y’all Welcome and
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The Give away will be here before we know it
1.5k subs
And someone will be winning A Micro AR Buffer Tube, some ammo, and a A2 friend Gift Card and possibly some extra magazines
(Only ONE prize/give away PER person


Micro 5inch complete AR pistol upper
5.56 | 300blk | 7.62
Mini Buffer Tube

Save %10 with code
Save %15 with code
Anything over $100 is free shipping
Y'all Welcome and

Don't forget to hit that
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Are these uppers compatible with any ar15 lowers?
damn bro price doppped down to 266
Do you have to have a short buffer tube to have a 5 inch upper
Why in the HELL would you buy a 5-inch 556/223 LIKE WHYYYYY!
that called a AR NGW 

or a Micro NO GO ! 

complete lower kit ?
Just wanted to inform you that you are white

How to put it on
How long did it take to deliver?
So I was wondering can you track your order?
Is there any braces compatible with this?
Stopped me from buying an arp!! Cause that 5 inch ridiculous rather build one, gots to have it

I just got mines to from cbc it didn’t come with a charging handle or anything you know where I can get that from?
Can u lmk what lower u ordered to put it on?
How can I change my 7.5 inch arp to a 5inch
Where can I get an lower
you just ordered this to yo crib??
I finally ordered the 5" in 300blk disassembled. The price after discount code WOLF15 was too good to pass up
You need a gun license for the upper
This idiot did an unboxing and never showed the other side
ya feel me 

Does it come with the bolt carrier an fire pin an all that
You ever find out what size that handguard was exactly? 4 inch or 4.5 ?
Where the video with the buffer ?
You came in clutch bro
Does it come with the bcg?