Home AR-15 Wait. Did He Really Just Say This Is Legal?!?

Wait. Did He Really Just Say This Is Legal?!?


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In this episode:

Florida lower purchase age

Federal court strikes down MN law prohibiting carry permits for 19-20 year olds

Tennessee settles lawsuit over 18- to 20-year-olds carrying

Archaeologist Fired By Forest Service For Posing With AR-15

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  1. I support the bill, but why would I call a Florida representative and urge her to pass a Florida law? I'm a citizen of South Carolina, most of the people watching are probably not Floridians. You might want to amend that to say IF YOU ARE A CITIZEN OF FLORIDA call her. No Florida lawmaker would give a thimble of warm spit what the citizens of another state thinks about their laws, just like we citizens of South Carolina don't give a rats ass what some Californian thinks about our laws.

  2. if this is the way they want it then you shouldnt be able to join the military till 21, becuase were not adults at 18 and can go fight and die with your guns but not old enough to own one….

  3. Americans are funny af we Tax payers just paid for weapons Talibans have that we can't even have. And they over here arguing about a brace? Fukn really😡🤬🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  4. Let’s say that you use the destroy option, and on video, melt your “evil” wrist brace with super thermite; what’s to say you don’t attach a carbine collapsing stock to the pistol later.
    What if you install the offending brace on an airsoft, or 24” rifle, since they maintain that it’s a butt stock?
    They aren’t making sense! None!
    The AFT should be disbanded due to general incompetence!

  5. Major redaction fail on someone's part @7:19, Pinko_scum's surname (not to be confused with ("sir name" 😏) is blacked out at the top of the letter, but revealed towards the bottom. Oops.

    Here's the thing though with trans activists; anyone who disagrees with them is labeled as literally attacking them. You cannot merely disagree with the progressive moment, it's quite evident that you're either with them or against them (mostly the same people who gave Bush Jr a lot of crap for saying the same thing, BTW). They're not looking to be left alone but to push their ideology on the totality of society, and on your kids.
    You don't want your 5 yr old daughter exposed to kiddie drag queen story hour at the school library? You want to put a stop to the sexualizing of children? Get ready to hear, "You fascist pig! You're genociding us!" So no, you don't have to be 'guilty' of actually threatening them with physical harm, and the shooting at Nashville is proof of that. All in all, the timing of it, with full context, leads me to feel her video was indeed a threat. Then again maybe the genocide part is partly true, because they have to recruit more than they can reproduce, since surgery leaves many sterile.

  6. We don't need any more legal wastes of time and money, we need the pussies and traitors in the military and law enforcement to uphold their oath and fulfill their duties and defend the constitution from domestic enemies like the ATF and democrats. And if they won't they need to get out of the way and let the people do it.

    The court system is a broken, rigged waste of time and money, it will never get our rights out from under the feet of tyrants. There is only one sure way to end tyranny and people have to accept that they just might have to fight.

  7. Pretty sure that "she" is a he and that video was posted right around the same time that other trannys were having mental breakdowns and taking lives. Yes it was a threat from a person who falls into the self imposed permanent victim class and it was directed at anyone who doesn't share his mental illness because disagreeing with him is in his mind is an attack.

  8. She posted that video with the AR right after the Nashville shooting and in response to people “attacking” transgender people. It was a thinly veiled threat to intimidate anyone that video reached. Context matters.

  9. The lady in the black dress sitting behind Diddlefucker snaps her head and looks at Diddlefuck at 4:57 when he says that all a brace owner has to do is remove the brace from the AR pistol to conform with their new communist backed law. Hopefully SCOTUS has something to say about this bullshit "Rule" before 2024 when there will be 32,000 new felons in prison and 48,000 dead dogs

  10. SO??? in the past,,,,if i had complete parts laying on my coffee table to assemble a machine gun, i was illegal. Today he ruled that if i had the part but not all put together, then im ok?? Well i can breathe easy now,,,,,i can have a machine gun and just pull out the bolt and im ok,,,,whew,,,,glad that was made clear,,,,now i can walk the streets with an assembled machine gun,,,,,and im legal as long as i have the bolt in my pants pocket………wow,,,,,glad the atf guy cleared that one up for our protection,,,,,,

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