In today’s video, retired Navy SEAL Mark “Coch” Cochiolo talks about his best, ‘Jack-of-all-trades’ AR.
He also shares things you might want to consider when creating your own go-to AR.
The best AR is relative, but hopefully, Coch’s insights can help you find the best AR for you.
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Great video! what is the flashlight mount at the 2 minute ish mark?
Dear Lord COCH, that home defense gun had a WEIRD pistol grip lol
I just picked up that 1x sight from primary arms. sweet
Squared up stance, interesting. Never really knew that before but it makes sense. I don't shoot much but when I was taught by my dad (12 years old) and In Boy Scouts, we always used a side stance to shoot. Unless prone.
Brilliant!!!! Thanks!!!!
Can;t believe you’re using TikTok. Please, please understand what China is using that app to accomplish. Very important that we all avoid that platform at all costs. Please focus on your other platform content -which is all great. We need to spread the word that TikTok is not good, not safe, and is giving the enemy a key to the door. Thanks for reading this.
Just found your channel. Liked and subscribed. Have not yet purchased any AR as I haven't decided on 15 or 10. We do alot of deer hunting too, so I have been leaning toward the 7.62. But the 300 blackout is becoming a good whitetail round with some of the new bullets Hornady has brought out. So I am back on the fence again.
Like your videos and your presentation. Thank you.
Speaking of "Jack of all Trades" – that watch band is next level.
Coch, What RMR do you like mounting on top of your 5x sights?
I keep seeing people say in a SHTF scenario say civil war or tyranny an AR isn’t powerful enough how true is that? Talking .556
Thanks Coch

Well I have astigmatism so I can't use a red dot
New to the channel, finally someone I can relate to. Your platform is bad assed Coch. Learned a few things already
Not sure how I’m just finding you but I’m glad I did. Great content!
Finally someone who's practical and not just all tactical.
This is my new favorite YouTube account
Bi have take pretty much simple starter AR-15s let sat $500, bought some basic irons and red dots, a bipod put in the front say like around $600-$750 after getting those accessories and really enjoy shooting them. Couldn't see spending up to $2500 or more for just one when I can buy around 5 for that price. It shoots the same caliber bullets .223/5.56 yes I maintain them clean them and lube them and after 6 years they still are shooting strong and accurate!
Thanks for making the video.
That’s all a say on where you are at the time of build , ca it’s not as easy as ya thnk to stay legal !
What are your thoughts on adding a 3x Juliet behind that Romeo?
I do like hearing your opinion on things like this. Thanks for making these videos
Thanks for "keep it simple stupid" help. Slot of us fudds, are stuck in m16 days and need to be simplified. You guys at TH nailed it.
absolutely nice no bullshit videos. thank you!
What grip do you have on the 300 black out
XM177E2 with a flashlight
Great video!
What type of rifle was the second one you showed for range and the 300 blackout you showed who made the two they caught my eye
Great amount of advice
Coch, great brief description of your shooting style. I've had to "relearn" how to shoot (pistol & rifle) after a neck injury and surgery (multilevel fusion), and your way of holding a rifle works best now that I have less mobility in my neck.
BTW, do you use the green or red reticle?
Good shit dood
Coch , is really ny favorite guy on the tube . Hope to get the cjsance to go training from him someday . Thanks for all the info you give us .