Home AR-15 Quick Tip: Is an Offset Red Dot Sight Right for You?

Quick Tip: Is an Offset Red Dot Sight Right for You?


Some folks love ’em, some folks hate ’em. Today, Brownells Gun Tech™ Caleb Savant weighs the pros and cons of adding an offset red dot sight to your AR-15, so you can decide for yourself. We’re talking about a reflex-type red dot like a Trijicon RMR, Leupold DeltaPoint, Shield Reflex Mini Sight, Holosun, Swampfox, or others on an angle mount next to the scope. You use the main optic for distant targets. When it’s time to engage a close-in target, just tilt the rifle slightly to use the red dot.

If your primary optic has a 1x setting, do you need the angle-mounted red dot? Caleb says, “yes.” There’s no need to break your hold on the rifle to adjust the scope’s magnification lever – you just cant the rifle and aim through the red dot. Even if the scope’s already at 1x, your eye will take more time to acquire the target through its long tube than by using the red dot. That can make all the difference on a close-range shot you need to make FAST. You do need to practice transitioning between the two optics to get good at it.

An offset red dot frees you to choose a higher-magnification scope than you would use if it were the only optic on your rifle. Division of labor: the red dot handles close-range targets, so you can have more “reach” on your scope.

Putting an offset red dot on your AR-15 does adds extra cost to your setup, plus some additional weight and the enhanced “snag factor” of another piece of gear hangin’ off the rifle. With just a scope mounted on top of the receiver, you can shoot the rifle from either shoulder and be able to use the scope. That’s pretty cumbersome, if not impossible, to do with an offset mounted sight.

You CAN “piggyback” the red dot on top of the scope, either on a mount built into one of the scope rings or a mount that clamps to the scope tube. The problem is you usually have to raise your head to use the red dot – and you lose your cheekweld on the stock. But this setup is better when you’re using the red dot in conjunction with night vision gear (NVG).

If you’re carrying your rifle on a sling, there is a risk of the red dot snagging on something. But with a little care and a good-quality optic mounted on a sturdy mount, says Caleb, that shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

NOTE: Products in this video are to be used only for lawful purposes, including hunting, self-defense, and competitive or recreational shooting. If you purchase any of them, you are responsible for understanding and complying with all federal, state, and local laws that apply to the purchase, possession, and use of these products.

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  1. Maybe I'm unique, but my problem is I am an ambidextrous shooter. I will literally switch hands depending on what offers the best shot. There are times I would love to have this setup, but which side would I mount the red dot on?

  2. Why didn't you talk about sighting it in? Is that different than 12:00 sighting? When you tilt it does it have to be perpendicular to the horizon extremely well for sighting or can it be off a few degrees from 000 to do that? Is it harder to sight an offset in?

  3. For my guns with a 1-whatever LPVO I think it's a waste to get an offset RDS…I run 45 degree BUIS just in care but at 1x if you train properly it's just as quick…now I do plan to run an offset RDS on my 308 because the main glass is a GLx 2.5-10×44 with no option for CQB distance engagements

  4. Prefer top mount for RDS. Tried both and liked 45 for a while but then taking it to barricades or weird shooting positions I realized I couldn't really use it when I needed it most. Height over bore is a concern for top mount but not much more than is already there. More so clearing a barricade so you can see and barrel isnt bumpin into something I find more an issue than anything. Top mount is also ambi which is nice. I even find that you can angle when using weak shouder but use top mount thru dominant eye kinda like 45. Training, either way it comes down to training

  5. As much as I like the concept, I am of the firm belief that if I have a scope, if whatever reason I am no longer going to use it, my backups should be iron sights. I don't want to have to be in a situation where I have to think about what could happen to another optic. I have flip up irons. Light, compact, and less margin of error.

  6. Only thing wrong with that gun is there's a left hand running it. Haha
    Ok it's kinda nice to see some lefties doin good in the world. Keep rockin that hardware if it works for ya. Practice and it'll work.
    People learn to shoot glocks with stock triggers in them…anythings possible.

  7. I like the combo of a lower cost lighter weight 2-10×40 or 3-4x and higher dedicated longer range optics with an offset dot, even with a holosun 503/T2 style dot (which is more durable/weatherproof unless using a closed emitter micro dot) either way the combo is lighter or equal to most quality 1-8/1-10 LPVOs, but with much better clarity and light performance, plus better fast target acquisition (also nightvision capability if applicable) The Arisaka mount is FANTASTIC but Brownells needs the T2 low and high plates for that awesome base mount (which they do sell) in stock! 😉 👍 Great topic as usual Caleb 👏

  8. ACOG with an RMR on top has been the easiest for me. The LPVO and the RMR at 45 was awkward. Yes, TREX is amazing with it, but he's way more coordinated. The ACOG with an RMR on top is light, goes from 4x to 1x by raising my head a little ezpz, works from either shoulder and allows me to use passive aiming under night vision. A heads up 1x for near shots gives me good awareness too. Now that LPVO's are no longer in vogue, it looks like I am trendy too. 🙂

  9. honestly anything less then a 16 is not good at 300 or more yards. not sure what you need a lvpo for that distance. more weight and then you have the catch factor. its more like a why. the red dot is good to 300 yards unless you have bad eyes. but at that point why are you shooting at something that far.. just wait till it gets into range… and its just slower

  10. I'm a fan of canted optics. I have a lot of time practicing with offset irons. I mounted my first offset dot earlier this year. After a half dozen practice sessions its second nature. As for the cons, they're legitimate, but the alternatives have cons too.

  11. If my target is close enough for a offset red dot to be useful, I find it more effective to simply point the gun in its general direction and sight down the barrel. Works great for targets that are 0-10 yards away. The only distance where I would think a red dot might be useful is 10 -24 yards down range. Past 25 yards, the riflescope is superior in every way. Offset red dot sights are great for shooting competitions, But I think they are pretty useless as a backup sight in real life shooting situations.

  12. Hay. There is no wrong handed. There is right handed people and there is correctly handed people. We should loose the hand part. They say 11% of right handed people are left eye dominant. Should be right eye or left eye only. You

  13. An interesting video would be Low Powered Variable Optic with offset optic vs optic paired with 3x magnifier that can be flipped to the side when not wanted. The magnifier would probably be the option I would chose but curious what pros and cons of each Caleb could teach us.

  14. Why do you have it mounted so far back? I would assume you would mount it in front of your scope similar to how you would mount a red dot if you were just using the red dot alone.

  15. Even on one power, you still have to deal with eye relief on an LPVO. If you have to take a quick shot at close range, you may lose the eye relief. Red dots don’t have eye relief restrictions

  16. One of my ARs has an Arisaka offset mount with an RMR attached. I really like it. LPVO on it is a Weaver 1-5x that's excellent.
    I got to try this type of set-up on a friend's rifle before I purchased anything and I'd say if you can try it 1st, do it. You may not like it and instead of having to buy everything and finding out that you don't like it, see if you can find someone with this set-up.
    Nothing wrong with just an LPVO either or just go with a red dot. Choices are a good thing.

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