Home AR-15 PSA SABRE Review | High-End AR15 on a Budget

PSA SABRE Review | High-End AR15 on a Budget


What happens if you’re balling on a budget? What happens if you don’t want some crappy budget AR 15? Well the answer for you is the Palmetto State Armory Saber 15. The PSA SABRE is hands-down the nicest rifle you can buy for the money I would argue the Palmetto State Armory Saber 15 is a nicer rifle or as nice and some rifles that cost twice as much.

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The PSA Saber Billet 20″ has an extremely tight receiver, fit match grade 416R 20 inch .223 wylde barrel, knurled free float hand guard, ambidextrous lower and a long list of premium upgrades.

The premium upgrades on the PSAR15 are a Radian Raptor charging handle, Radian Talon safety selector, Hiperfire trigger, Taccom three stage buffer, premium Palmetto State Armory Sabre furniture, Microbest bolt carrier group, and on top of that it’s very accurate.

We will continue review and make more videos with this awesome rifle. It’s been 100 percent reliable thus far and I have no doubt it will continue to be. It’s going to be shot at long range 600 yards plus and then also for 100 yard MOA testing. Accuracy testing will be done with match grade ammo as well as run of the mill 5.56 XM193 ball ammo. Follow along for more content on this awesome rifle!

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  1. This is PSA's chance to steal basically the entire AR market. Living near two PSAs, I see a ton at the ranges and sadly PSA is still…QC-challenged. Their AK's cause more problems than their AR's, but I do hope they can sort that out and use the weight of their company to produce a genuine duty rifle which is squared away for $1000-1200. If they do this right, they're writing themselves a blank check.

  2. Rad. I ordered the billet 13.7 retro looking rifle. Figured why not since I live in Washington where we are getting our rights trampled and the old school a1 stock and fsp looked cool. Here's to hoping it's quality and can run cause I run my stuff pretty hard.
    Either way, good video and have a blessed day.

  3. You know, that one PSA model appears to be par or a bit better than my IWI Z15 Tactical. You got me interested now on the Sabre P D. Thanks for your excellent review and presentation.

  4. I cannot wait for the shooting portion! I do have a question, any chance you could tell us the weights of the complete rifle and the weight of just the upper? I know a lot of people will likely end up buying just the uppers if they already have a preferred lower. Thank you either way, and great video!

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