Home AR-15 How accurate is an AR (AR-15) 7.5" Pistol from 2AR Tactical?

How accurate is an AR (AR-15) 7.5" Pistol from 2AR Tactical?


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  1. I have really good luck with 75/77 grain rounds out of my 7.5 doesn't really matter what it is, just the higher grain rounds in the 70s range with these shortys def stabilizes better. I am not an expert, haven't had mine long. Just giving my 2 cents so far, since owning it

  2. building my wilson combat 8.5 inch and the video made me remember i never even checked for my twist rate. spoiler: luckily i got the 1:7, so i should be ok.

  3. I know my BCA 7.5" hits all over the place shooting M855's. Zero is 1.5" low dead center at 15y then it'll hit 2 feet high & 10" to the right, then 8" to the left & so on at 40y.
    I just need to find a good bullet weight for it I guess

  4. Were you unable to make those shots standing unsupported? Give it a try sometime. With open sights (carry handle and A2 front) I can make 150 & 200 yard shots on 6 inch steel all day long with my PSA 10.5" pistol. These are more capable than many people realize once you get used to them being shorter and lighter up front than an M4 style carbine.

  5. You need to stay off the ATV and walk more .Typical , guns , beer guts and less than 30 years later a heart attack . Come on America , get your fat asses in shape .We have too many fat or skinny American males boosting their manhood up with beer and guns , meanwhile in the event of a all out shit hits the fan the majority of you fuckers would not make it .USMC

  6. People keep telling me these 5.56 small barrels are pointless because the smaller barrel makes them lose velocity but I would to build one as a truck gun and CQB when I need to. Have any insight about that?

  7. Having a short barrel doesn’t make it a pistol. It’s a short barreled rifle. You braced the butt of the stock against your shoulder and supported the forestock. Not only does a pistol not have a stock with a butt, when aiming a pistol using the sights, you hold the pistol at arms length, not braced against your shoulder. NOT A PISTOL.

  8. **1:37 in the video I accidentally stated that the Military M16A2/A3 had a 1/9 twist barrel. Sorry guys I had 1/9 stuck in my head after shooting a Colt AR-15A3 Sporter HBAR with a 20" 1/9 barrel. The older Military M16 rifles started off as a 1/14 then down to a 1/12. Currently they are a 1/7. It's the civilian variant AR-15 that uses the 1/9 a lot. It didn't come out right in the video. I favor the 1/7 twist rate myself, especially in the shorter 10.5" and 7.5" barrels because they are more accurate with the 62gr M855 Green Tip ammo. Sorry for the confusion!**

  9. I’ve never heard of a M-16 having a 1/9 twist, the a2, a4, and m4 have all been 1/7. I know that the A1 was a 1/12 for the 55 grain m193 round, with the nato adoption of the SS109/ m855 62 grain the 1/12 barrel wouldn’t stabilize the new ballet so with the m16a2 and car-15 the twist rate was speed up to 1/7. The 1/9 twist rate, to my understanding, was the gap the 1/12 and the 1/7, it has been more or less replaced by the 1/8. So if you can point me in the direction of where you got that information I would love to take a look

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