Home AR-15 How to Shoot an AR Pistol Without a Pistol Brace | ATF...

How to Shoot an AR Pistol Without a Pistol Brace | ATF Rule


I’m sure you’ve heard by now, The ATF has released a “Final Rule” on Pistol Braces. This video is to explain the “rule” in the most simple way possible. This is my followup video video showing some ways to “comply” with this rule.

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  1. We need people like you giving ideas to the people in the gov. To say, ya you can shoot without a brace or stocks! Keep it to yourself! Ar 15 was never intended to be shut like this!

  2. Brace removed, still have two point sling, seems to allow solid purchase on the weapon with good accuracy, It takes Practice, So Hopefully I will improve the accuracy and speed with more practice … Considering a Laser sight, truthfully I figure it might help save someone’s life because they could realize they know where they will get hit .. may just rethink their actions… If Not, I already have them dialed in …

    I had a single point sling bungee type cut down to fit me some time ago.
    I love it!
    I'm surprised the atf hasn't come out against it saying, "a sling is not common use for a pistol"

    Great video

  4. I’d create something that isn’t a brace or isn’t a stock to help the stability.
    If you ask me they are going to end up calling them pistols.
    Put a grip at the end.
    What’s next the sling?

  5. I believe our forefathers would be shooting by now if they were facing a tyrannical government agency making their own unconstitutional “laws”. History repeats itself and it’s time for another revolution.

  6. Federal laws says that pistols are firearms that are fired with using ONE hand. If you put Two hands on a pistol and fire it then ATF can charge at their discretion a person for using a NFT regulated firearm.

  7. Unless you’re extra tender you can shoot it with the tube end against your shoulder all day long. AR-15’s have very little recoil. When I was in Army basic training the instructors demonstrated that by shooting with the buttstock on their chin. Piece of cake.

  8. Could just shoulder the buffer tube nothing in any law says ya can't shoulder the buffer just can't have a brace or stock……. not to mention dont think they realize by removing the brace it makes the gun more concealable

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