Home AR-15 Don't Panic Over The ATF Pistol Brace Ruling

Don't Panic Over The ATF Pistol Brace Ruling


Don’t Panic Over The ATF Pistol Brace Ruling
The ATF dropped their final ruling on pistol braces. And it sucks. But, do not panic. There might be more to this than meets the eye. And here’s why.

Here is a link to the ATF’s final ruling on pistol braces which I recommend you read and understand for yourself. I am not a lawyer and nothing discussed in this video was legal advice.

A good channel that discussed legalities revolving around the 2nd amendment is Fudd Busters. They put out good information without the hyperbole and speculation. Check out their channel here:

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  1. The ATF is going to do what the ATF is going to do. And then there's everyone else. Don't panic and let's hope this is the greatest backfire scenario ever!
    Here is a link to the final ruling: https://www.atf.gov/rules-and-regulations/factoring-criteria-firearms-attached-stabilizing-braces
    I suggest you read the information for yourself. I am not a lawyer and nothing in this video is legal advice. So do your due diligence in order to make the best decision for yourself regarding this situation.

  2. I own 2 suppressors that are registered with the ATF.
    I only have 1 rifle that is less than 16 in. That free tax stamp is looking tempting since I already have 2 "firearms" registered.
    What do you guys think?

  3. I’m going to invent a stabilizing brace that has a hollow tube that attaches to your shoulder to allow your buffer tube to slide into. Basically a hallow strap on for a person’s shoulder that you can use separately to stabilize your weapon. Ima be rich maybe.

  4. How about this, F them, F their rules, they are criminals being run by international criminals through the UN protecting other criminals that are robbing and genocideing us into oblivion, play times over lads, time to show the world what being American is about, shall not be infringed & taxation is theft, bill of rights for everyone who respects others, stay strapped or get clapped

  5. Not going to "panic." I built all but 1 of my AR's from the lower receiver up. So they are all classified as "other". Even if they weren't I still wouldn't panic because once the case goes to the Supreme Court it will be taken care of because this is a CLEAR case of overreach!

  6. Two things that should come out of this:

    – NFA declared unconstitutional
    – Juries not convicting people of violating unconstitutional laws

    But I am not holding my breath.

  7. Let’s all gather together take a day or 2 off work and stress out 2nd amendment guys we can do this. We can do this peacefully as long as the government don’t tread. This is pathetic we pay all of these idiots with our taxes we can stop this

  8. The freakin Dept of Education has an armed "SWAT" team so of course the AFT are going to claim everything is an illegal SBR & no it isn't just about the $$ from tax stamps, that has always just been icing on the cake it is about control of an unarmed population, period; full stop.

  9. So my question to you and everyone that's hanging their hat on "dA C0urTs WiLl SaV3 Uz" comment is "and then what?" If these challenges fall through or the courts refuse to hear them (guess what, that's happened in the past too), "and then what?" If you say "Not comply" that's an easy answer and proves you have no brain. Unless you are blessed with your own log cabin in the middle of Montana where you can shoot on your own property, where can you take your AR pistol without fear of getting Narc'd by Richie Cunningham the rookie ATF agent? Now, you're surely thinking to yourself "they don't have enough ATF agents to Narc every gunstore in Amerikkka, do they?" But alas, you've forgotten last year ATF was granted the power to deputize local LEOs to work as agents on their behalf. Plenty of cops out there that will gladly trample on the Constitution on they way over to snatch your hydrodipped-Punisher-skill-laden-red-and-blue-anodized PSA AR pistol from your hands. So my question is, if this fails to be resolved in the courts and you only have access to public ranges, "and then what?"

  10. People need to learn the difference between legal and lawful. How so called laws are made. Who can actually make laws. Btw All man made laws are just words on paper. They only have power when you give it to them. They have no jurisdiction over anyone. They have no CHARTER. Codes policies fake laws are only for corporations and dead entities. Are you dead or alive? NOW LOOK INTO WHAT THEY DID WITH BIRTH CERTIFICATE A SS #

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