We have a long overdue revisit with my CMMG Banshee MK47, the AR that takes AK mags! This time we run it supressed and we try out metal mags in it to see if it runs.
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My guy if an Afghani Terrorist can hit a man sized target at 400m with iron sights I’m sure it’s Not that Aks are inaccurate it’s just ur a shit shot OR or ur just over thinkin it an Ak is as accurate as u make it
Sorry if I missed it but was there an adjustable gas block installed? If not, would you recommend it for the MK47 suppressed?
I swear to u i just took my cmmg mutant to the range today and no sir it do not like metal mags at all. Confirmed. Polomer only however u spell it.
Pmags are life on the mk47. Never had any issues with mine
Nice! Like you, I wanted an AR platform for accuracy (and ease of accessories) that shot the (what I think is) better AK ammo, and while pricey, it appears to be durable, solid, and as accurate as the round itself is capable of, not limited in accuracy by the gun itself like the AK platform. 1,200+rnd full-auto non-stop until it finally failed by IRAQVETERAN8888, beefy AR-10 based instead of undersized AR-15 based (with thin bolt face area walls and locking lugs like the Palmetto clone), and quality parts and ease of fitting a new trigger group etc. Found out today that the 12.5" barreled pistol I ordered (in Titanium cerakote finish) about 3 months back will be here by this weekend, WooHoo!
ak not good for accuracy? laughs in galil
Croatian and Korean metal mags suck, and that goes across all platforms, you need to use Siberian, German, Russian, or Bulgarian mags. You have all these other high quality options.
What's with this one magazine crap? Ok two, if you count the one that doesn't work. (but that doesn't count) For pete's sake, my range in my back yard, and I still load a bunch of mags before I go shoot.
I think the Zastava M21 might fit your needs?
Always a good time watching your vids! Very informative. Thanks for sharing. I’m already sub’d.