Home CMMG CMMG Banshee in 300 Blackout

CMMG Banshee in 300 Blackout


New video for today with my brand new:

CMMG BANSHEE in 300 BlackOut

I have fallen in love with this firearm. I still need to finish breaking it in though. That just gives me another reason to get out with this firearm for some more fun on the range.

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  1. Picked up the M4 300 black out 8 inch and I love it. Waiting for my suppressor. You are right bro, you get what you pay for. I don't believe in purchasing lots of weapons. A quality rifle and a quality hand gun is all I need. Good video.

  2. Flip the sling, to opposite side, and also switch the qd points front to rear.

    This will accomplish 2 positive results. #1 when you transition to a sidearm, the sling will naturally move this firearm to the opposite side of the body, clearing the path to draw the sidearm.
    #2 allows for faster adjustment of the sling via the slide tail Being pull forward/ back.

  3. Look at you all YouTubeing it up, awesome to see it man, I'd go ahead and take a note from demo ranch if you plan on monetizing this in the future, probably gonna have to do that with Patreon or sponsorships, YouTube is very anti gun channels

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