Home AR-15 AR pistol brace update THIS IS CRAZY AND A BUNCH OF B.S.

AR pistol brace update THIS IS CRAZY AND A BUNCH OF B.S.


The new definition on pistol braces is confusing and stupid.

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  1. Taking the brace off isn’t enough, you can’t have a the carbine buffer tube on the pistol or even the Kak style with the little dimples in it, it needs to be a round pistol tube that is between 6 – 6.5”.

  2. my ffl ran into the atf, he sold an AR 15 rifle to an 18 y/o. So some one completely legal and allowed to own a rifle. Atf shows up, and claims that all ar15's are sold by their manufacturers as "pistols" no matter their configuration because they all have the possibility to become a pistol pretty easy. So every one must be 21 to own an ar 15.
    To me this sounds like a way they are trying to get by and make people be 21 to own an ar style weapon. Some BS to me.

  3. This entire convoluted situation sucks. People need to Not Comply with this BS & in turn write & contact your pro-2A Senators & Congressmen. They can band together & serve the ATF with letters demanding that ATF cease & desist with any revised regulations & any plans to prosecute law-abiding firearms owners who purchased completely legal items. They cannot create criminals out of thin air, nor can they regulate accessories based upon illegal mandates from a corrupt illegitimate administration bent on back door gun control. FJB!!!

  4. Thanks Koba. I would be wary of simply removing the brace. The atf language mentions removing the brace "such as it can't be reattached." To me this means that retaining the original buffer tube still allows you to just put the brace back on at a future date. I prefer using a high quality buffer tube like the Strike Industries model which can't facilitate a brace. I think it works better anyway as a cheek weld pistol.

  5. Leftist government what was legal 2 years ago under a Republican president won't be under a Democrat whose ultimate goal is first registration and taxes on each firearm has been mentioned, then confiscation. Right out of Hitlers Weapon Confiscation Plan and of course Stalin not to be out done….

  6. Somebody already mentioned this, but even with the brace off, they will scrutinize any and every rifle or pistol based on the worksheet point system. If you're caught with them, they'll literally sit there and look over your once-legal pistol and run it against the worksheet – so maybe they're planning on once again expanding government even larger and having NARCS show up at ranges and hauling people away? This is exactly why people are pissed off about the constant "moving of the goalposts." The fact of the matter is the ATF is not a legislative branch, and they technically do not possess the authority to create law, only enforce it. Additionally, the ATF is a meaningless waste of space and taxpayer money as all of their functions were already under the jurisdictions of the Bureau of Weights and Measures (the A nd T) and the FBI already handles firearms cases, and 4473 "under review" checks (the F and E). Unfortunately, we have an administration that ALL about expanding government and its overreach so until we get people who want to cut out the fat, we're stuck with the conga-line of endless infringements. Alan Gottlieb of GOA should be on TV every day screaming about this and making the public aware.

    Also … there is no "take off the brace" with AK pistols, so I guess those people are screwed having to go backwards and leaving truly disabled people out of luck.

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