Home AR-15 Cleaning an AR 15 – Don't Forget This Essential Step

Cleaning an AR 15 – Don't Forget This Essential Step


MOST People Forget This When Cleaning AR 15’s…. Let’s go through my Simple Formula for How-To Clean an AR 15 FAST.

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Welcome to the Tactical Toolbox YouTube Channel. Today we’re going over How To Clean an AR 15 Properly and the Fastest Way to Clean an AR 15

This video is for educational purposes. Video was filmed in a controlled environment. There are no explanations or directions on how to build, assemble nor perform any modifications. And is used with a non modified semi automatic firearm. Furthermore this video does not contain any links for Purchase, nor does it contain any discount codes, This video abides by the Advertiser Friendly Guidelines, and the YouTube Community Guidelines.
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  1. FYI: I forgot to show the metal tip on the chamber cleaning tool. But you use the metal tip first, then the cotton tip.
    Also the difference between the chamber and the barrel extension accidently got edited out on the YouTube version of this video, but is explained in the video in the online course.
    Full List & Codes Here: https://bit.ly/3AUQx4r

  2. Hello Tactical Toolbox, I love and appreciate all your videos. The absolute best content on YouTube. I wanted if you can take some time out. And answer a question I have for you. Have you ever shot any Zavier brand AR15? If so, what was your thoughts on the quality of the build?

  3. As a plumber for the last 17 years I play in old lead, old insulation, asbestos, and mold just about every day and I, nor any of the Elderly homeowners of 40 to 60 years In these houses, have ever suffered from any of those substances like they say you do… that’s been more of a money thing for a long time just like radon!.. I wouldn’t look into it too much in regards of PPE.

  4. I just cracked mine open and throw it in the dishwasher! After which of course I spray it down with Boe Shield. Boe Shield is a penetrating lubricant that was designed by Boeing for use with aircraft and the many different alloys and metals they are constructed from. I have been doing this for 25 years now and have found it to be the best thing since sliced bread.

  5. Thanks, I have been getting these e-mails from many channels I watch including yours. Complete and utter bullshit but anyway I have always enjoyed your channel and have always felt bad for the bullshit Youtube has put you through just to make a living. Keep up the good fight brother!

  6. Thank you for a great video on cleaning the AR. I will save this video and use it when cleaning my AR
    to make sure I do the job that you do. I'm also going to try and find some of the tools that you use.

  7. It befuddles me how you highspeed guys sill jack-off with DI rifles. They make great piston AR-15s. I've concluded you all hate your wives. "Gotta clean my AR-15 Babe." A six-pack later and she's as miserable as she was yesterday. Safe shooting – huh?

  8. Looking forward to see your thoughts on the SLW, I just picked it up as my first AR. Finally got it (almost)fully kitted out and its still lighter than the 16" counterpart. Every time I shoot I am sublimely pleased afterward. Not mad about the cost whatsoever.

    Larue mbt2s trigger, Holosun AEMS green dot(multi-reticle), Vortex Micro 6x, Radian charging handle/safety selector, ultradyne c4 offset sights, inforce wmlx(9 o'clock rail section to impact weapons thorntail offset mount).

    Got a dead air sierra 5 on the way. Planning on swapping out for a superlative arms bleed off adjustable gas block, liberty precision eclipse pin and weld muzzle device and rearden mfg atlas plan b mount.

    Let me know if you have any input on my planned suppressor set up!

  9. I use nitrile gloves always when working on my guns and D-Lead on my hands after a range trip. If you don't thoroughly get the lead off your hands you can also run the risk of having TSA swab your hands before boarding if within a couple of days of prior range time. Believe me, they'll detain you and you'll probably miss your flight.

  10. Take off upper, remove BCG and CH. Disassemble BCG and spray it and CH with cleaner let sit.
    Take the upper outside, use gun scrubber or brake cleaner and spray out the inside of the upper and the barrel extension. You can use a blue shop towel to wipe out the inside.
    Use a nylon coated dewey brush and run a couple of patches of solvent using a jag down the barrel. Chase with a clean patch then an oiled patch
    Clean the BCG that's been sitting, usually just requires it to be wiped down with a shop cloth. Lube and reassemble the gun
    Lead wipes on the outside of the gun

  11. Just ordered otis cleaner in 5.56 and 7.62 have ar s in both so far you have not lead me astray on tools have all the others from other videos even the mitter box bench amazon was kind enough to send 2 for price of 1 keep the luck running and thanks

  12. J, I've been shooting (and cleaning) AR since my teens. The Real Avid Carbon Boss looks to be the greatest multitool since the Swiss Army knife. I really, REALLY hope there's a Tactical Toolbox product code, especially since you invested first. I think I've found the perfect gifts for my Larp-rats!!
    Which reminds me: I need to catch up on the learning channel. I've forgotten to return since the first channel's refund…

  13. Yeah the gloves would drive me bonkers, I worked in a Led factory, Survived I believe I can handle that pt but I believe we'll all be safe. The led levels from this piece I don't believe are high enough to be toxic but thank you for your video and all your helpful advice, tips & tricks and yes it's better to be safe than sorry I get it

  14. I use motor oil as an all around CLP. Motor oil absorbs carbon fouling and obviously lubes. It is very cheap compared to fancy gun cleaners. What is not to like?

  15. When I was in basic training, before graduation we used Gunk and then took them to the showers and rinsed them out…. The were spotless… I do not recommend doing that to a personally owned rifle…. SFC Retired

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