This week the California Legislature enters the final week of the legislative session with several anti-gun bills eligible for floor action. It’s critical that you contact your legislators and voice your opposition to AB 1227 (Excise Tax), SB 918 (CCW Reform), and AB 2870 (GVRO Expansion). These bills, on top of the bills already passed and signed this session, will gravely impact your Second Amendment Rights in California by adding additional costs, burdens and restrictions.
Assembly Bill 1227 places an excise tax of 10% on the sales price of a handgun and places an 11% excise tax on the sales price of all long guns, rifles, firearm precursor parts, and ammunition. These taxes are to be collected from California retailers and placed in a newly created fund for appropriation by the state legislature. AB 1227 was amended to allow an exemption on the purchase of long guns and related ammunition, for individuals with a valid hunting license. However, this does not change NRA’s opposition to this misguided legislation. *AB 1227 is eligible for a vote on the Senate floor and will need a concurrence vote in the Assembly should it pass the Senate.
Senate Bill 918 drastically revises California’s concealed carry laws and process in what can only be characterized as defiance of the recent Supreme Court ruling. This legislation includes provisions such as; significantly expanding gun-free zones, requiring signage for private businesses where you “can” carry, increasing training requirements and costs, investigation into social media posts, expanding prohibited categories, and maintaining the ability to do in-person interviews, psychiatric evaluations, and allowing “time place, and manner” restrictions on permits. *SB 918 is eligible for a vote on the Assembly floor and will need a concurrence vote in the Senate should it pass the Assembly.
Assembly Bill 2870 expands California’s gun violence restraining order to allow additional reporters, to now include roommates, dating partners, and additional family members, out to the 4th level of consanguinity and affinity (this could include out to the first cousin-in-law or a great-great-grandparent).*AB 2870 is eligible for a vote on the Assembly floor.
Last week, the legislature passed SB 1384 which will now be transmitted to the Governor for his consideration.
Senate Bill 1384, introduced by Senator Dave Min (D-37), requires all licensed firearm dealers to have a digital video surveillance system meeting certain standards and to have general liability insurance coverage of at least one million dollars. *SB 1384 passed by the legislature and has been transmitted to the Governor for his consideration.
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