Testing Enhanced Bolt Carrier Group w/ Suppressed Machine Gun
William tests the Lantac Enhanced Bolt Carrier Group on a machine gun suppressed by the Dead Air Sandman-K. Rifle builds include a 10.5″ 300BLK upper and a 16″ 5.56 upper shooting supersonic and subsonic ammo.
Dead Air Sandman-K review:
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Had that issue where ogive is seating into the rifling on some of the heavier 300 aac rounds some of my 220 grain pills get stuck like that , switch ammo or seat bullet a bit deeper and no problem
Do you have an adjustable gas block on your machine gun? Or did you run it fixed and throw in the bcg?
What the fuck, is it better or is it not better???????!! Wasn’t that the whole point of the video????
What all did you need for your muzzle device?? What's it cost and how much do it run for the sandman can ??
Thinking of picking up one of these lantac bcg. Are you still running and liking it?
I know you have said in your videos that you built the machine gun, but what are the details on that. It was another companys receiver and you then made a machine gun out of it. Just wondering if you are a manufacturer or dealer or what is going on where you are able to do this.
I own a Fail Zero Nickel Boron coated and a LANTAC EBCG and the LANTAC's coating is much smoother and shiner.
Aren't you supposed to check headspace any time you change bolts?
I you’re using a funny mag. Maybe that’s why your subs weren’t running
How did you end up getting an SOT?
It’s your magazine for the 300BLK I had the same problem.
How was the gas to the face? Im considering one of these for my suppressed 300 pistol