Home AR-15 School officers adding AR-15 weapons to campuses in North Carolina district

School officers adding AR-15 weapons to campuses in North Carolina district


Each school resource officer in Madison County will have access to the AR-15.

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  1. Well again, the problem isn't the guns. It's the lack of care in a society's like America's. Complete utter indifference and a country that's about to collapse. These are only symptoms. Don't blame the shooter, even in the evolution of mankind, there are always individuals who will fight the tribe if they have been excluded. Actually its the opposite, most tribal, hunter gathering societies are very close in terms of bonds. In fact its not as severe as it is today.

  2. To those that have issue with this, having AR-15s in the school is no different than having fire extinguishers and first aid. They serve a purpose to protect people and the school before emergency responders arrive.

  3. Another issue for schools to be safer is locking doors to class rooms, plus get rid of the 3' x 1' window glass in door, the parkland shooter never opened the doors to shoot, he shot out class room door window and shot. Get rid of that door window.

  4. that should be standard across the country. however, if you really want to protect your children, you shouldn't be sending them to communist indoctrination camps in the first place

  5. All teachers should have a box full of M84's and a SAW M249 locked and loaded while teaching. Put all the kids in level IV armor and give them a SIG M11. Easy.
    Ok that was just a joke…. it's sad that our country has to resort to these ideas to protect kids in school. On a more serious note, maybe a better idea is to retrofit doors with a simple quick-lock mechanism and provide some type of ballisticly shielded area that the kids can hide behind.

  6. Why stop here! Add chain link fences and barbed wire. We already have metal detectors, cops and now guns. Well they will certainly be educated on what prison is like. Only Americans think the solution to gun violence is to add more guns 🙄😂😂😂😂

  7. I would like see our leaders actually do some leading.

    I have grown up in Montana, my family experienced food insecurity and used legal permits to hunt deer and moose in season to lessen that, we also gardened, canned, raised our own poultry and lamb, we had 2 full time and 1 part time workers who contributed to the income. I am pro police, pro firearms, pro Life, and I believe in the second amendment as it applies to a militia that protects the national State. Firearms are tools like a vehicle, or a hammer; used appropriately and responsibly these tools have the ability to protect and provide. Used without responsible consideration for the situation and person who is on the other end of the tool, both a vehicle and a hammer can kill.
    I want
    1) Stiffer penalties for altering firearms to make them fire at a higher speed. These are often done by people who enjoy competitive shooting and by ne’er do wells, the results are a semi automatic weapon that can fire at an automatic weapon rate.

    2) proof of successful completion of a firearms safety course (or a refresher course) no more than 1 year before the purchase of a firearm.

    3) I want my advocates in DC to recognize that part of responsible firearms ownership is safely storing the weapon, so you shouldn’t be able to buy a firearm without also paying for at least a trigger lock. No, zip ties do not work – it must be metal.

    4) I want America to stop blaming illegal immigration, law enforcement, and the scapegoats du jour for this phenomenon and acknowledge that we are letting our youth of all ages and shades down by refusing to normalize mental health discussions and self checks part of their daily routines; this could be as simple as learning to identify emotions by looking at emojis or as complex as a 5 paragraph essay comparing and contrasting mental health resources in the student’s neighborhood and another similarly sized neighborhood of their choice. (Can you tell I’m a teacher?)

    5) I want adults to stop blaming each other and start setting an example for the young people who are quietly watching their adults bitch and bicker our country to shreds. You are responsible for yourself and your actions. You can not beat your religion into a nonbeliever by hitting them with your Bible and rejecting them; they may get curious about why you are the only so-called Christian who doesn’t hate them IF you have built a relationship of trust and caring with them by being a servant and friend to them. I read the Bible and learned how God used a whore to save Israel and eventually the world, and I didn’t see a single time that Jesus condemned before He was friendly (except that time in the Temple with the money guys). If you’re a person who sees nothing in religion, be polite and be honest, “It’s good you find meaning in your faith. My experience hasn’t been like that, but I do find meaning in…”

    America has tried since the 1990s to improve safety in schools by increasing the number of guns and things have only gotten worse. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. I went to a school in which a student had shot a substitute teacher to death (his intended target was sick that day), as well as wounding classmates and teachers; to this day, 25+ years later, the grief of that day lives in the school, without pictures or acknowledgment of the event, the event is as much a part of the school as the cinderblock walls.

    To sum it up: can everyone please calm down, breathe, remember that ‘if we do not all hang together, then we shall surely all hang separately.’ Our friend Abe was right, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Smart man.

  8. All right if they want school safety I got one for everyone. How about just having school online and get rid of schools all together. What does every kid have to go to a campus if they could just do everything at home? It shows and the pandemic that we could do this. Kids that don't have computers or Internet didn't have a school for them. Honestly no one needs to really go to school and on a campus. We could save lives and money

  9. yeah. let the kids get shot in a cross fire. Now you got a AR 15 against an AR 15, now what? If you really wanna out do that perp get your self a "Corner Shot" You can shoot around the corner or straight. But based on their training a In Close quarter Battle (combat) their berretta would have sufficed. They were just too chicken to go in and do there job, and a AR 15 in that case won't help.

  10. Great, so now we are putting assault rifles IN the schools. You people are fing crazy. I guess we will be hearing another hair raising story that contains many kids murdered from NC. What are you people thinking ??

  11. this is brilliant. clearly the best solution for just the slightest dip in sales of AR-15 rifles. If only Britain, France, Italy, Spain & the Netherlands would buy these same rifles, plus adopt our all-u-can-eat daily nachos with cheese menu, for all of their schools, they could benefit from both our remarkable, oh wait, Best ever! record of school safety and our remarkable, oh wait. I mean Best in the world! healthy, tasty microwavable pre-diabetes err I mean pre-packaged school lunches.

  12. So we are more worried about "accidents" than the next Sandy Hook and Uvalde? I see why women weren't allowed to vote until only a few decades ago. Acting on emotion instead of rationale and being realist is grounds for disaster. Saying there are likely to be more "accidents" with weapons stored inside the school is like saying you are more likely to die in a plane crash if you fly on a plane vs staying your ass at home on your couch….well no shit Sherlock. But what is the likely hood of said "accident" happening is what you need to instead focus on, which in both cases is very slim to none.

  13. Good! The only that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I wouldn’t be here without mine, the man who broke into my home ran when I racked a round at him. He had passed all the stuff worth stealing, and came straight back to the bedroom where I was. It happens so fast, be prepared and be safe!

  14. It won't cause more harm than good. The problem is having coward cops who are afraid to do their jobs just like the cops in uvalde. They had all the proper gear and still wait over an hour to confront the bad guy, because they were afraid. You shouldn't have job that requires you to serve and PROTECT if you're to afraid to do so. You can have all the weapons in the world but if the "protectors" are to scared to do their jobs, well then having those weapons are pointless.

  15. This is just stupid what are you going to tell the gunman hold on while I go get my AR why don't you just certify a few teachers and let them carry openly more the dog and pony show

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