Home AR-15 Aero Precison AR Pistol Build

Aero Precison AR Pistol Build


Finally drop Aero Precision AR pistol build review. Hope you guys enjoy the video! Full list of parts down here. I know I forgot to name a few of the parts.

Aero Precision M4E1 enhanced receiver set with 7″ mlok Handguard and 7.5″ 5.56 barrel, Bambi charging handle
Ferfrans Inc CRD
SB Tactical PDW brace
Leupold Optics LCO
ALG combat trigger
Defiance steel BUIS
Radian weapons safety
Strike industries LPK
H2 buffer
Arisaka finger stop

VETERAN CRISIS LINE: 1-800-273-8255 press 1


Camera: Sony A7 iii:
Sony 35mm 1.8 lens
Sony 24-105 f4

Edited on iPad Pro with Lumafusion


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  1. I am desperately trying to find an 8.3" 9mm barrel to no avail, I would prefer to use a BA or Faxon barrel/bcg but cannot find any in the length I'm going for ANYWHERE!! Can someone confirm whether the 8.5" spikes tactical barrel/bcg is compatible and reliable with the EPC? Thanks in advance for any advice or input

  2. "Basically everyone will hate you for having this out at the range." Hahaha Understatement of the decade. Lighting off a 7' with a comp is only a very small step down from actually punching everyone around you in the face.

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