Home AR-15 Retro rifle setups still f***, 3 reasons why they are making a...

Retro rifle setups still f***, 3 reasons why they are making a comeback


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Retro Guns are totally legit and I hope you guys have enjoyed this video. We’ll be delving fully into more historical rifles in the very near future!

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  1. I got an ar15 for $470 at my local shop, of course it’s in horrible condition and shoots like it has rusted parts. The only reason I bought it was due to the A1 set up on the top receiver.

  2. papa garand if you see this please laugh. if you lived in a spherical dimension, you can draw three right angles and they will meet together like a triangle. but if you do it on a flat dimension they don't. the curvature of the spherical dimension takes up the last 90 degrees you would need to make a shape on a flat dimension where the flat dimension would have to make a square the spherical one just makes a weird triangle.

  3. I have an old a2 grenadier hand gaurd I aquired from an old parts bin in the motorpool a few years ago but I'm not in the financial position to buy a grenade launcher (getting married soon). I'm building an M16A4 clone (couldn't find an a2 upper). One day it'll be a grenadier rifle. I miss being a grenadier ☹️

  4. Some people say they are going to retro the m16 with m203, but the Korean Army is still using it as an active duty

    When I fire that gun in the field, the sound of the spring ring in my ear is still clear

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