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Retro Guns are totally legit and I hope you guys have enjoyed this video. We’ll be delving fully into more historical rifles in the very near future!
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I got an ar15 for $470 at my local shop, of course it’s in horrible condition and shoots like it has rusted parts. The only reason I bought it was due to the A1 set up on the top receiver.
Classic AR stuff will always look sexy, especially in wood furniture (thanks Fallout New Vegas)
Is it ok if I put a M16 upper on a normal AR lower since the buffer tubes look different ?
Mike, I wanna build that same clone. Where did you get the M203 and heat shield?
papa garand if you see this please laugh. if you lived in a spherical dimension, you can draw three right angles and they will meet together like a triangle. but if you do it on a flat dimension they don't. the curvature of the spherical dimension takes up the last 90 degrees you would need to make a shape on a flat dimension where the flat dimension would have to make a square the spherical one just makes a weird triangle.
Can't hide behind a hostage if there is no hostage! Sorry kid, today is just not your day.
That aint retro, The SP-1 and M-16A1 is the retro that made the M-16 what it is!!!!!!
What handguard is on the 20 inch rifle and where can I get it?
Maybe you guys could make movies? We need a pro freedom version of Hollywood.
the first 3 minutes is more than enough for a like, nice job yall
go back to cap&ball
Only way to end it is too eradicate the eugenics in the blood line my brother… And kill all pedos
0:42 Ron jeremy? Realization: (It wasnt him)
Nice retro builds.
I love the muscle cars.
First video I've seen of this guy. From another gun nut. I whole heartily say- you're a goof troop my dude. Lol. That intro was hilarious. I bet it was fun to shoot.
Now I want a retro CAR-15
I believe that the more tech we put on a civilian/solider and there weapon will hinder them when they don't have that "new tech" available to them in any scenario.
"And we've come full circle"
It's as if Eugene Stoner knew what he was doing or something.
I have an old a2 grenadier hand gaurd I aquired from an old parts bin in the motorpool a few years ago but I'm not in the financial position to buy a grenade launcher (getting married soon). I'm building an M16A4 clone (couldn't find an a2 upper). One day it'll be a grenadier rifle. I miss being a grenadier
Rock solid hard over that intro, just beautiful
Them being '80s action heroes from 1:43 to 2:04 was pure comedy

All the love from Romania GT and TB
when you say “especially nowadays” what do you mean by that sir
Using retro style set ups make you feel like your in an 80's action film, using modern setups make you feel like you're a COD operator
Well done sir.
13:20 "Man is possessed by Mike's dad, proceeds to give run down on retro rifle"
I appreciate the amount of effort goes into these intros
"Especially nowadays" (clears throat) Let's Go Brandon. 21:19
As long as you don't train with James Yeager you will be ok
Get hold of the fal man that rifle fucks
Was the 40mm meant to hit the kid?
Not mad if it wasn't
Some people say they are going to retro the m16 with m203, but the Korean Army is still using it as an active duty
When I fire that gun in the field, the sound of the spring ring in my ear is still clear