Home AR-15 Concealed Carry AR15 Pistol

Concealed Carry AR15 Pistol


Here’s a short video on my Palmetto State Armory 10.5″ AR15 pistol with Magpul furniture and a Vortex Strikefire II scope. This is an awesome extremely fun gun, and it could be used for home defense. That being said, it’s probably not the best option to concealed carry even if it is a handgun. See you on the range. And as always, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, LIKE, hit that NOTIFICATION icon if you’re already a subscriber, and we’ll see you on the range.

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  1. Lol I think its time for an update on this vid the world is getting crazy people becoming more violent if its legal to carry in your state do it because it's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it!!!!!!

  2. The issue isnt if carrying an AR pistol makes you an A¥£hole… its a matter of practicality… the ar is a little bulky and akward for everyday carry… Deployment would be a bit slow and cumbersome … if
    If you find a easier way to safely and discretlu carry the weapon in a way that you are confident of the ability to deploy and use rapidly in a self drfense situation, then by all means carry it. What you carry or don't carry does not determine your status as an Ahole… that is based on your personality not your choicr of weapon

  3. If you use a dead foot arms buffer system that doesn’t require a buffer tube then put on a collapsible pistol brace and but a 7.5 in barrel in 300blk or if your poor like me 7.62×39 it can be really concealable

  4. Oh lord another range jockey. First off it’s not a scope it is a red dot optic, scopes magnify red dots don’t. Red dots are for point blank. Second off a flashlight gives away your location while also making a nice target to shoot at. Uneducated people making YouTube videos wondering why they can’t get the views for the channel to take off. “ that’s a buffer tube “ lol , so many things wrong with this video. I see why there are only 17 comments soda killer.

  5. What about carring it in a back pack? Like lets say ur going on vacation and its perfectly legal to carry it concealed, would it be an issue if its in a back pack?

    Im getting a glock as my main carry/ self defense arm but i want to have the AR pistol as a car gun mainly for protection of active shooters that are becomming so common, but mainly for my vacations, where i will be staying either in the woods or a hotel. Its the hotel that im concerned with. If its legal to bring it in i would rather bring it in and not leave it in my car where somone can break in and steal it.

  6. The thing is not to compare the functionality and use to a CC pistol but rather to an open carried carbine. There's a lot of key advantages to concealing an AR pistol when you would normally strap on a carbine like when doing a perimeter check of your property or investigating something that should not be..
    Or is it not normal to patrol and ensure your area is secure with long guns over there to the East like it is in the less populated West and Midwest?

  7. A poorly concealed AR15 pistol on the body is silly. A larger coat would let it work though, as the the pistol may hang under one's armpit. Perhaps a lower profile red dot or iron sights would be better as well. Better yet, put it in a satchel.

  8. Nice one Buddy! What type of sling is that? You could list and link your equipment in your description. That would be nice just to click a link for the gear. Red dot scope looks cool too.

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