In this video I plink around with my new suppressed CMMG Banshee in 9mm. Really digging this gun a lot! Quiet, compact, easy to shoot, a ton of fun, and I haven’t had a single issue with it.
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In this video I plink around with my new suppressed CMMG Banshee in 9mm. Really digging this gun a lot! Quiet, compact, easy to shoot, a ton of fun, and I haven't had a single issue with it.
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YouTube won't let me watch this video?????
I can watch all your other videos…………??????
Cmmg is the pits. I'm still waiting on a damn bcg and barrel. You get a whole gun to play with. Smh. Nice vid though.
Right handed only mag release…… GARBAGE!!!! Every lower should fully ambi these days, anything less is unacceptable. So forget about this gun if you are left handed, stupid.
I have a banshee in 9mm. Was considering picking up an APC9K. Given that you have both which do you prefer?
I tried out a Banshee 45ACP suppressed, didn't like it, kept getting gas in my face and it wasn't really any softer shooting than my AR-9. I don't know if the Banshee has an adjustable gas block, but if it doesn't, it needs it.
I want one in 5.7. Yeah, I said it.
Thanks. I’m glad I have been waiting. The style is a huge step forward.
I built my CMMG RDB system to run suppressed- first magazine through the gun ended with sheared bolt lugs and a split bolt head at the cam pin. Turns out this is a somewhat common problem with running their RDB system suppressed without fine tuning the bolt with a kit they sell or with different buffer weights and springs – then you run into the possibility of failures to eject due to slowing the bolt down.
Overall, I wish I had went a different route, like the MP5, instead of the banshee as much as I wanted modularity of the AR15 platform.
Guntubers always say ambidextrious instead of ambidextrous. There's only one i in the word. I like the videos though. I know, I'm a dick.
I'd really love one of these in 45 to have it subsonic all the time. Unfortunately, these are like grail guns for me. It'd be really cool to have one of these 9mm with a ported barrel like an mp5sd.
but properly loaded MCK will feed all hollows fit most bags/state lines keep hollows in factory’s, JSP/FMJ/underwoods in coordinated extendeds for hard targets barriers etc,
PCC longer than a classic 10.5
and if ya really don’t wanna work hard in a gunfight shotgun
I like this and the setup. Love to try one in .45
Thats incredible.! If I was blind I'd think you wore shooting a nail gun
But I'm deaf so it makes it tremendously hard for me to stand up out of my wheel chair
You know cause my legs don't work
I love my 9mm Banshee, great quality firearm, I hope my suppressor arrives sooner rather than later!
Great video man! That midnight bronze is so sick
I still don't get why you'd want a gun as big and heavy as a rifle caliber copy but with far less capability. Some people might say because they can't handle the extreme power of a glorified .22 and others might say because they have never seen how the 9mm out of a longer barrel actually over penetrates typical wall building material MORE than the .223. But for people that are knowledgeable enough to talk among other adults I fail to see a purpose, maybe just for fun?
It doesn't matter what weapon you use … it's important to know how to control it
How much does it cost
So cool, man what it must be like to be free
I’ve got the 45acp Banshee and love it. My Rugged obsidian sounds so sweet on it
Maybe one day in the future I will have one in my collection
Another perfectly good flex ruined by Olight
You made it look fun. I want one too
Big vortex fan…love the vest..have the pst and hd4000rf and both are workin flawlessly…ranged 2440 offhand..
I have got 3 9mm Banshee’s. Very under rated. The recoil impulse is not much more than my MP5K.
I want it in .40 cal
Pitch black and 10mm.
that is sexy.
Great video, Brandon! Been thinking about getting one in 10mm. Maybe one day, NEMO OMEN is in the mail currently.
Where were your shooting the long shots at? Range looked nice. Love the new Banshee btw
If their is no Banshee 200, does that mean their is no option for an 8 inch barrel or is that optional still?
I don't see the point of a short handguard you cant use then put a long suppressor on it , a longer handguard with the suppressor inside it would be better .
I would like to build one on one of the shield arms integrated folder glock lowers
I ordered a cmmg rdb bolt barrel kit 6 months ago. Now I got a email if I wanna stay in line I have to pay $100 more than the original order. They are some real cock suckers. Fuck cmmg
As soon as I can find an in stock barrel and BcG I’m building one.
Awesome little shooter
The Banshees look great and fun to shoot. I'd love one in 10mm and/or 9mm. Thanks for a good video.
I won't buy mine before the brace decision later in the year.
So, new Banshee meaning what a 400? What model is it? Thanks.
I have the Banshee in midnight bronze in 45acp. Love shooting it suppressed.